Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 With 6lb line I can bend into a fish and know that there is some bend remaining ; that I have not used all of the shock-absorber effect of the rod .
2 What amazes me is that , in spite of the horrific nature of what I have seen , I feel neither repulsion nor revulsion .
3 For people who must be detained for the protection of the public because of the horrific nature of their crimes , we should be designing units which will genuinely help them to change to whatever extent is possible .
4 Although Cold War ideology and initial public ignorance in the West of the horrific power of nuclear weapons at first muted the public pressures behind a renewed expression of the unacceptability of indiscriminate means of warfare , the growth of the popular movement for peace over the past twenty-five years and especially in its recent phase must now lead to a reaffirmation of the principle and its application to nuclear weapons .
5 The speeches of famous visionary leaders such as Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King offer good examples of the skilful use of such rhetorical devices , which allow their listeners to ‘ see ’ the visions as if they were real .
6 Though detailed descriptive accounts of the muscular system of many insect species are available , the homologies of the muscles are sometimes difficult to decide and no uniform terminology exists .
7 You can tell he was a scum player though , because of the stark lack of modesty .
8 A ‘ vendor placing ’ is the term given to placings which exceed the customary limit of about 15 per cent of the outstanding value of the company 's existing equity .
9 Building on the core collection which once formed part of the outstanding collection of Sir Thomas Lawrence , Parker built up the Ashmolean prints and drawings collection into one of the world 's finest .
10 A detailed catalogue of the outstanding collection of theatrical paintings acquired by the museum a branch of the V&A since 1947 .
11 The brewery is unique in many respects , especially as a result of the outstanding beauty of its buildings , pond and meticulously maintained surroundings , this being due in no small part to the fact that it has remained in the hands of the Arkell family for well over a century .
12 Westlake Village , California-based Delphi Information Systems Inc says it plans to acquire all of the outstanding stock of Continental Systems Inc of East Lansing , Michigan for about 446,000 shares of Delphi common stock , worth $3m .
13 In the same period , figures produced by the Council for Mortgage Lenders show that 221,900 mortgages ( 2.3 per cent of the outstanding stock ) were more than six months in arrears , compared with 109,370 ( 1.2 per cent of the outstanding stock ) a year earlier , and that 36,610 dwellings were repossessed ( 0.4 per cent of the outstanding stock of mortgages ) , more than double the number recorded a year earlier .
14 It was Saturday and a showery , Summer 's night four hundred years ago and a South-Westerly breeze blew into the faces of the anxious group of watchers above Whitsand Bay .
15 John Pearson , who appears at the Wine Garden , Alton , on Tuesday , of of the 1960s decade of British blues musicians , acknowledged to be coming of age in the 1990s — their mature talents now best equipped for the task of bringing that conviction to their music that only age and experience can provide .
16 It is likely that any ‘ advance ’ paid by a record company will be in excess of the minimum level of income for compulsory VAT registration purposes , so the band should be aware of their obligation to register for VAT immediately .
17 These goals seem reasonable on paper but require a strong political commitment to ensure the accessibility of basic primary health services to the population and the existence of a clear vision of the minimum level of service that the state expects .
18 The Act contains detailed provisions of the minimum content of the contract of amalgamation .
19 You must look at this from the minimum of Point of view of the minimum amount of labour .
20 Recent research has illustrated that the raising of the minimum age of entitlement for Income Support in 1988 has forced young people to be dependent on their families and has inhibited their transition to adulthood ( Harris 1988 , Whynes and ferris 1990 ) .
21 A reader of Singer , let us suppose , is taken with the idea of ethics as taking the universal point of view and progresses to the principle of the equal consideration of interests , attracted perhaps by its sense of having rekindled the spirit of the Second Commandment in secular guise .
22 Popular political power was based upon the recognition of the equal status of all citizens before the law , and democracy was also the guarantee that equality would be maintained .
23 We need to consider a form of examination that can reflect the ideal of ‘ transferable skills ’ , and of the equal importance of the practical with the theoretical , that can above all reflect the ideal of broad ‘ philosophical ’ understanding within each subject-area , which can come to be respected by those concerned with selection for higher education as an indicator of potential achievement .
24 The areas designated in the EEC Council Directive 75/268 extend to 34.28 million hectares ( m ha ) and are of significance in all countries of the EEC Nine not only because of the overall proportion of land but also because of their importance in animal production ( Table 1 ) .
25 The chairman was charged by regulations with the supervision of the overall conduct of cases before NILTs .
26 Practical examinations , assessment during placements and oral examinations may also form part of the overall assessment of a student 's capabilities .
27 None is completely lost , and many are quite well preserved ; and we can get a good idea of the overall composition of each pediment .
28 In the latter case , regardless of the overall solvency of the judgment debtor , bankruptcy proceedings were initiated , and his whole property sold up ( bonorum venditio ) .
29 Even so , the taille can sometimes be surprisingly good , especially in favourable years , and would in those Champagnes which utilise it , represent but a small proportion of the overall blend of a wine .
30 In general , too , rhythmic and temporal features of speech are ignored in transcriptions ; the rhythmic structure which appears to bind some groups of words more closely together than others , and the speeding up and slowing down of the overall pace of speech relative to the speaker 's normal pace in a given speech situation , are such complex variables that we have very little idea how they are exploited in speech and to what effect ( but , cf.
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