Example sentences of "of [noun sg] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What it will do is to identify those kinds of misspelling that most pupils are likely to make : appropriate teaching at this stage helps to avoid remedial teaching later .
2 Straining the last possible revolutions from her roaring Paxman engines , the old lady of the fleet , Vigilant was first to reach Guiding Lights , but despite darkness and mist had to wait no more than a few minutes for the other cutters to join her — a feat of seamanship that later lead to great praise from their Investigation colleagues ashore .
3 In Sweden , it is claimed that nearly 10,000 lakes have such high concentrations of mercury that any fish caught in them should not be eaten .
4 There is a lot hidden in that word ‘ suitable ’ , but let us put an upper limit of 1 in 100 billion billion for the maximum amount of luck that this argument entitles us to assume .
5 A minority were more fortunate , if one can take as reasonably accurate the report by the Commissariat of Agriculture that 109,705 peasants were taken out of the famine zone and settled on farming land in Siberia , the Ukraine , the Caucasus , and elsewhere .
6 Again , since it is assumed by this act of faith that all individuals are equal in the sight of God , man or both , then dissent must be tolerated and each has the right to put his own point of view .
7 It is likely in this kind of case that Regional Railways might seek a partnership operation with a local council or one of the passenger transport executives to establish a light rail line .
8 ( The most important of these is of course that that person should as a result of the testator 's intention have received a benefit under his will . )
9 Well it may be of course that that kind of thing has always tended to happen gather of society skirmishing goes on and young men are expected to go and find very often
10 ‘ You realise of course that this Taczek character might take it further .
11 We know of course that this mother has the normal strong biological drive to care for her offspring , and if she did handle him would no doubt develop an emotional involvement .
12 The answer was he usually ignored them , which meant of course that some entries were obscured and the whole was not as clean as it may have been but it was certainly speedy .
13 Many people swear that their horse has a sense of humour , especially when it likes tipping them off ; but it is possible of course that these people actually have a considerable sense of humour themselves to put up with the vagaries of their horse !
14 A problem with this idea is of course that most dreams are not remembered , so that even if solutions to problems are achieved during dreams they can not be regarded as adaptive , unless we are to believe that these solutions are somehow incorporated unconsciously .
15 If Rutland was typical of agrarian society it would have been understood as a matter of course that most men were peasant farmers and smallholders ; indeed , husbandman was the commonest description there , followed by labourers and servants whose status was one of dependence , and landless peasants who did not conform to the stereotype of a society composed of small independent producers .
16 If so , the Government should be taking another look at the amount of grant that that council receives .
17 It will mean that there will be a reduction in the amount of money that that school will have to run its sixth form , just as there is a reduction in the amount of money that a primary school is going to have to run its school .
18 Such was John 's desperate need of money that substantial sums were ordered to be paid by the ‘ collectors of the fine ’ directly to the king 's servants and into the king 's Chamber .
19 Allocating to biodiversity studies the same amount of money that big science projects already attract would allow these institutions to convert centuries of knowledge to a readily available form through the application of information technology .
20 Central Government has taken more and more control of what local councils can do , and in particular has control of the amount of money that local councils can spend erm more and more over the years .
21 It is perhaps in the field of attribution that this catalogue serves the most useful purpose .
22 So crawling along a girder that was swaying gently under the dome of a gigantic space station induced a level of fear that Ace thought she could handle .
23 However , despite the initial expressions of fear that this practice could cause problems , it does not in fact seem to have become widespread .
24 2.5 The second , and more important , cause of action that English law now allows on death is the independent cause of action given to the near relatives of the deceased who have been deprived of his or her support or services .
25 The genuinely provoked killer , on the other hand , is in such a disturbed state of mind that such calculation does not occur .
26 It follows from Descartes 's view of mind that personal identity consists in the continuation of an immaterial substance , a mind or soul .
27 But once you 've experienced the peace of mind that this insurance gives you , we 're confident you 'll want to continue with your valuable protection .
28 The more workers are sent from the developed world , the louder is the message to the recipients of aid that other people know best .
29 It 's probably the kind of irony that old Moz himself would appreciate : the only Morrissey book actually authorised by the great man is a celebration of that hoary institution , the rock tour .
30 In order to limit the degree of confusion that these factors may cause , the names of the traditional weaving areas ( Persia , Anatolia , the Caucasus , Afghanistan , Turkestan etc. ) have been used when discussing the weaving , history or design influences of their rugs , and the names of the modern states have been used when referring to purely commercial factors , such as import tariffs , government actions and subsidies .
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