Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Labour Unity Campaign Committee statement issued for " Unity Sunday " on 18 July 1937 called on " all supporters of unity to put the utmost energy into the work of rousing the Labour Party membership to the need for immediate struggle for the demands listed in the programme and to lead the revival campaign by their example of practical work " .
2 A more realistic approach might be to attempt to reduce the pace of change to meet the economic and environmental needs of the present time .
3 It is for skilled management developers to use their expertise in the management of change to mitigate the worst effects .
4 Geoffrey Martel had perceived the propaganda potential of public war as early as the mid eleventh century ; later it enabled Henry the Liberal of Champagne to claim the military service of all lords within his county , a reapplication of the Carolingian ban .
5 But it clearly is much more difficult and heroic for any group of people who are on the front line of discrimination to adopt a nuanced reading of racism 's multiple forms than for those who are or want to be distanced from its processes and effects .
6 Her life had been spent running from possessive love , and now here she was , feeling it burn and twist inside her , pushing aside her conscious love of freedom to reveal the passionate woman beneath , dark and possessive , capable of fathomless emotion .
7 The militarization of her society and economy could erode individual liberties at home , while abroad the United States might have of necessity to become an imperialist power .
8 In an area of weak lordship , Louis was prepared to capitalize on a simple right of protection to claim an old public obligation , a new feudal lordship , and a new territorial stake .
9 After a thrilling final-set victory , the 43-year-old architect said : ‘ I had a bit of luck to win the third set and after Ian took the fourth I thought I would lose . ’
10 It may be the result of inability to maintain a constant frequency of electrical control activity and this may be due to the effects of muscle disease on groups of muscle cells producing populations with altered frequencies .
11 In the days which followed Clinton was accused by Jackson and his supporters of using the language of racism to make a clumsy and cynical bid for white support .
12 Mr. Malone referred to the work the government was doing with the Ministry of Defence to support the declining armaments industry .
13 The sea shone , the waves sparkled , and a Royal Navy frigate steamed slowly up and down , sent by the Ministry of Defence to deter a seaborne landing on the part of the boyos of the Provisional IRA .
14 Oral contraceptives are one of 10 types of drug to join the Limited List by the end of this year .
15 If the judge rules in favour of the nuns it will call into question the Zoonoses Order 1989 , which allows the Ministry of Agriculture to slaughter an infected flock .
16 The RSPCA has called in the Ministry of Agriculture to investigate the living conditions of animals on a farm which was hit by an arson attack .
17 The Monopolies and Mergers Commission did not allow the 1986 bid to proceed and rejected GEC 's claims arguing that : ‘ We do not consider that it is possible in the field of electronics to establish a direct link between company size and competitive performance ’ .
18 A real estate agent and descendant of one of the old missionary families , he set out with only a minimal grasp of technique to achieve the simple objective of riding the biggest wave in history .
19 And , to the best of our knowledge , that is still valid though er of course to answer the second part of your question , are they fully locked in .
20 It is quite normal of course to have a rapid weight loss of several pounds in the first week due mainly to water loss ( our bodies are 70 per cent water ) .
21 More important , in the second case the Court has taken a major step by allowing notions of classical freedom of contract to play an important part in its interpretation of the Directive .
22 He was among 100 prisoners granted a remission of sentence to mark the 10th anniversary of Kolingba 's taking office .
23 In this way it is possible to re-start the routine that was enjoyed previously , although it may take some days of patience to break the new habit .
24 However , so few of the possible quadgrams occur in the LOB ( and of those found , 70% only occur once ) that it would appear that the LOB corpus is not a large enough sample of text to provide a reliable quadgram model .
25 agreed : ‘ It is not a sign of weakness to attend a stress-management course . ’
26 It is a matter of experience to judge the best time to remove a peel , but flicking the edge upwards immediately releases the peel slightly when ready , producing a diagnostic ‘ dry ’ sound .
27 Tree growth is possible and , until the depredations of humans and goats destroyed much of the forest cover , timber cutting provided a much-needed additional source of income to supplement the meagre subsistence of the peasants .
28 Signs of willingness to finalize a no-attack treaty came at the conclusion of a third round of high-level talks on Dec. 18-20 in Islamabad , Pakistan , between the Indian foreign secretary Muchkund Dubey and his Pakistani counterpart , Shahryar Khan .
29 The legal responsibility for the house officer year rests with the universities , which have shown few signs of willingness to rock the existing boat .
30 The Sri Lanka government and armed forces swung from their position in early 1990 of coexistence with the LTTE to the pursuit of military victory over them ( in which regard they achieved a series of successes from mid-1991 — see pp. 38392 ; 38439 ; 38534 ) , while providing sporadic indications of willingness to seek a negotiated settlement .
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