Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [subord] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 It is the cast of mind which decrees that Henry Cotton , the most successful British golfer of the last fifty years should get an MBE rather than a knighthood , the same level of honour as a shorthand note-taker in the House of Commons or the draftsman of regulations governing haddock quotas .
32 ‘ Well , ’ said Liese , who was now engaged to a nice young architect called Leonard , and who was proud and plump and stuffed as full of delight as a feather cushion — over-stuffed , Brenda remarked ‘ I suppose it 's better to believe in something than nothing .
33 Beholden to an anatomically derived , heterosexually structured , and all-embracing dualism , such theories could only conceive of homosexuality as a disavowal of that very difference which is assumed to be fundamental to social , psychic , and sexual organization .
34 Yet there could be no more symbolic act of defiance than a currency with a separate exchange rate against the rouble .
35 It is not always possible to determine at time of intimation whether a carpet will clean satisfactorily or whether it requires to be replaced .
36 There is no agreed definition of intelligence although a century of experience has accumulated in attempts to measure it ( Friedman et al . ,
37 Certainly , an oil engine and clutch system would not have had the same degree of flexibility as a steam engine , even if a suitable engine had been available .
38 Induction , on the other hand , seems more like a form of inference than a form of knowledge .
39 At least it was some other form of transport than a horse .
40 But there are those in England , too , who also fail to see that participation in drama has two faces , or rather , a face and a mask : the ‘ game ’ of drama where a group of participants share a significant experience , and a theatrical performance where a group of actors present the drama so that an audience might have a significant experience .
41 ( 1981 ) suggest , it does not emphasise sufficiently that poor rural housing is as much a symptom of deprivation as a consequence .
42 Most homeless persons and families have the common feature of poverty although a variety of personal and other reasons may underlie their homelessness .
43 Sea animals take full advantage of the efficient passage of sound through water , and the ocean is as full of sound as a woodland in spring .
44 This view has not , however , been taken by the courts , which have generally insisted upon some evidence of consent before a jury direction on consent is required .
45 Speed and distance from the road edge probably would n't make a lot of difference if a landmine was detonated as they went by , but doing it makes everyone feel better .
46 The last of the Blackadder adventures says more about the reality of war than a host of documentaries .
47 And that every man , woman and child who is killed during this conflict , by bomb , epidemic and starvation , is just as much a casualty of war as a marine or a pilot .
48 St Bartholomew 's church at Covenham was declining to the state of danger when a parish in California asked if they might have it and ship it stone by stone to the U.S.A. This caused much controversy for a while but finally it was decided that it should remain and be safely maintained on its original consecrated site .
49 Among the peers identified by the parliamentary writer Andrew Roth as voting in favour of a measure which would oblige a labourer to pay the same amount of tax as a millionaire were the Duke of Buccleuch , the biggest landowner in Europe , the beef magnate Lord Vestey , another of the richest men in Britain , and the eighty-three-year-old Marquis of Bath , of the Longleat Estate .
50 He felt like some programmed thing with a piece of its instructions missing , battering itself repeatedly against the same piece of wall while a door stood open only a few feet away .
51 In the swing between extremes , it can seem almost a matter of chance whether a man bursts out in self-reproach or in righteous indignation , in suicide or in murder .
52 But in any event , those in corporate finance , whether working for a bank , an accountancy firm , or an M&A boutique , talk of the excitement and the rush of adrenalin when a deal is near to completion , and the need for secrecy adds to the buzz .
53 Obviously , a child returning from school to find his own study quarters where he has books at his disposal and sympathetic parents who can offer cogent remarks on his work and broaden his outlook with lively , stimulating conversation , will be able to get more out of education than a child who , when doing his homework , has to share the kitchen table with plates , cutlery and cruet as well as the pet cat and having to contend with ‘ Crossroads ’ as the main intellectual challenge of the evening .
54 THE production of an average size family car gobbles up 3,000 litres of water while a pint of beer takes eight pints of water .
55 Within the Comintern schema ( outlined at the 1928 Congress ) Latin America 's fundamentally agrarian economic structure required that it attain the capitalist stage of development before a transition to socialism was possible .
56 During my first stay in China in 1984 , it was very rare indeed to see young people holding hands in public and I clearly remember the expressions of shock when a student dared to ask , in a packed lecture hall , if students in Britain were allowed to ‘ talk love ’ .
57 The pavement had been much repaired , and it was difficult to synchronise his steps so that the middle of each foot fell exactly on the cracks between the paving stones , but with some concentration and a few judicious half-steps he managed it ; then he came to a long blue-grey line of asphalt where a pipe had obviously been repaired , and walked along that instead free from the worry of the paving stones between the cracks .
58 As a result , the government added an amendment to the Sex Discrimination Bill ( 1986 ) to make it unlawful for a woman to be dismissed on grounds of age when a man would not be .
59 This talk of the ‘ common spiritual etymon [ i.e. origin ] , the psychological root ’ of stylistic forms sounds more like my definition of the stylistics of manner than a view of style as representation .
60 Unskilled trainees will require a great deal of supervision and so efficient management will call for a smaller span of control than a situation where the employees are experienced .
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