Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [coord] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Attempts by Latin American Communists to implement the ultra-leftism and isolationism of the ’ Third period' ( tactics which had been formulated to respond to the very different political conditions prevailing in Europe ) resulted in considerable loss of support and influence for many of these parties .
2 the primary sources of support and care for elderly people are informal and voluntary .
3 Whatever level of public expenditure proves practicable , and however it is distributed , the primary source of support and care for the elderly people are informal and voluntary …
4 An account of this scheme is given in Munday and Mallinson ( 1983 ) and in Cameron 's ( 1987 ) study of build and refurbish for sale in the North East ( I am grateful to Stuart Cameron of Newcastle University for his generous provision of materials ) .
5 Often groups can be given a " familiarisation visit " , going behind the scenes in the archives to learn about the range of documents and the methods of preserving and caring for them .
6 The choices facing the administration were to acquiesce in Soviet domination of Korea , to provide aid for south Korea without assuming excessive commitments , or to provide a full guarantee of defence and support for south Korea .
7 FHSAs ( which correspond to non-metropolitan counties and to metropolitan boroughs ) hold large databases on services provided by general practitioners ; for instance , uptake of immunization and screening for breast and cervical cancers .
8 The permanent committee of Zaïre 's bishops had on March 2 criticized the " blocking " of democratisation and called for a national conference .
9 His two profoundly moving ballets , Gloria and Requiem , the one a poem for lost youth and hope through the onset of war and the other a song of mourning and praise for a departed friend , stand and fall by theaudience 's response to their message and not to the pre-eminence of a star .
10 Jean Genet responded to an erotic charge in Arab and black masculinity inseparable from the recognition of its significance in a culture of resistance and fight for liberation .
11 ‘ the political obstacles to advance within the practices of the Labour Left and the labour movement itself ; … broadening the base of mass support , creating institutions and organisations which extend the socialist movement beyond the minority of organised labour ; … fighting for specific reforms in the organisation of capital that will create new positions of struggle and control for working people ( limitations of shareholders ’ and managements ' powers , workers ' representation etc. ) and fighting for reforms in non-commodity areas such as health , education , and welfare that introduce elements of popular administration and control ’ ( Cutler et al . ,
12 Gold has been the object of admiration and wonder for centuries .
13 — But it is for his gift of sympathy and understanding for the teachers who worked with him which far exceeded his obligation that I shall largely remember him .
14 Some fundamental steps in the constitutional development of the country were the Bill of Rights 1689 which limited the power of the monarch to rule by virtue of the royal prerogative and the Act of Settlement 1700 which further strengthened the power of Parliament and provided for the succession to the English throne .
15 The observed differences in the prevalence of retinopathy and need for laser treatment between these two groups remained significant .
16 There is less strictly legal work at this stage of your career although the ability to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of a particular course of action and to argue for and defend your authority 's position all require the use of such skills .
17 But before that she would make a cup of tea and read for a bit .
18 In 1903 a loosely structured organization , the Union of Liberation , was formed to unite all sections of opposition and to press for constitutional democracy based on universal , equal , secret and direct franchise .
19 The conditions which can be imposed by the LA to reflect environmental considerations are limited to the means of entry and exit for authorized vehicles , times for vehicular access , parking arrangements for vehicles , and the number , type and size of authorized vehicles parked or being maintained at the operating centre .
20 McCabe , of Millbrook Avenue , Brambles Farm , Middlesbrough , admitted three offences of theft and asked for six offences to be taken into consideration .
21 London may just be carrying too big a burden of research and teaching for its population — but the means by which research and education get redistributed , rather than simply shut , remain unclear .
22 The smile of recognition and welcome for Duncan had been followed by a fit of coughing .
23 He has suffered terrible injuries and he 's going to need a lot of help and care for the future . )
24 At home he rarely had more than a piece of toast and marmalade for breakfast , but when he was away he ate the whole cooked breakfast .
25 ‘ With guns made of wood and bought for one-and-six each ? ’
26 Dawn found me stretched out on the bench below the War Memorial in Glencoe Village soaking up the first warm rays of sun and waiting for the shop to open .
27 But for Mr Maurice Healey , 13 years spent testing the strength of cotton and looking for flaws caused his passion for painting to blossom .
28 The barrage could have been a symbol of determination and hope for the Merseyside region .
29 We accept these Bills of Exchange and arrange for them to be discounted on the Discount Market .
30 Whether you are out of work and applying for a lot of jobs , or in employment but looking to change , there is only any point in applying for positions where you have a real chance of being successful .
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