Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ongoing vigorous policy of offering paddock admission ( £7 per head ) at £10 per couple and Club enclosure facilities ( £12 individually , but £20 for couples ) , plus various theme days and a draw for a gallon of whisky at each fixture , will help to continue the success story .
2 Turning her head slightly she looked at the cut-glass decanter on the bedside table — it was a little less than half full , which meant that she had drunk three … no , four glasses of whisky at some time during the night .
3 Lord ‘ Bertie ’ Denham , the bluff and genial Chief Whip who floated between the Lords , White 's and Pratt 's proffering a glass of whisky to any peer tempted to vote against a government bill , likes to maintain that there is no inbuilt Conservative majority in the Lords , and during the first two Thatcher terms the government did indeed lose 111 votes .
4 was a bottle of of whisky from that distillery went for a huge p price at one of the big
5 In retrospect it can be seen that the most fatal blunder of the campaign was John Smith 's Budget — proclaimed at the time as ‘ an unparalleled act of honesty by any opposition party going into an election ’ .
6 Tyminski announced on Oct. 4 that he would be returning to Canada , because " I do not want my presence here to create the appearance of honesty in these elections " .
7 At last it has achieved a respectable measure of unity at most levels of the party .
8 These are taken-for-granted groupings which assume some form of unity within each category without ever clearly identifying the source of this unity .
9 It operates as a profoundly cultural category , an attempted representation of particular experiences and a particular construction of unity around those experiences .
10 Experience with the treatment of haemophilia in this country has shown this approach can be highly effective .
11 And Grainne was struck all over again by the complete lack of subservience of these creatures .
12 Will was writing a different kind of play at this time .
13 I think it is important to remind ourselves that the objectives of the LTA in introducing the Ratings scheme was to attempt to upgrade the standard of play in this country , to instigate a more competitive attitude and encourage a more professional approach .
14 Stage 2 : Determining the level of assessment — Making an initial identification of need and matching the appropriate level of assessment to that need .
15 Equally it seems nonsense to anticipate the recording of that volume and complexity of assessment for each child during lesson time .
16 The increased prominence of assessment at all stages of compulsory education is the feature which now most clearly distinguishes the British central curriculum from its continental neighbours .
17 There are a number of caveats which concern the validity of using the results of assessment in this way .
18 ( a ) Basic charging provision Where : ( i ) a capital sum is paid to the settlor in a year of assessment by any body corporate connected with the settlement in that year ; and ( ii ) an associated payment has been or is made directly or indirectly to that body corporate by the trustees of the settlement the capital sum shall be treated for the purposes of s677 as having been paid to the settlor by the trustees of the settlement .
19 We now publish an annual review of our HSE performance and of progress towards those targets .
20 We will keep all interested parties informed of progress towards this goal , through the publication of further Updates .
21 It had been reported to the Committee by schools operating such a series of tests that the motivation of their pupils was increased because tests at different levels provide both an incentive and evidence of progress over several terms .
22 Carefully logging the state of progress on all manufacturing and site work , they were able to determine priorities which were likely overall to increase the rate of commissioning of working stations rather than partial completions .
23 An advocate of progress in all forms , Wilson was the first in his area to illuminate his premises with gaslight .
24 Apart from the numerous psycho-sexual problems which afflict humanity , the man may see himself and be regarded by society as having reached a stage of decline ; dissatisfaction with career may culminate in the forties with the realisation that he has reached the end of progress in this respect ; and so on .
25 As the Clean Air Act had left much to state initiative , congressional dissatisfaction with the rate of progress in some states led to the Air Quality Act of 1967 which at last required states to establish air quality standards consistent with federal criteria , and then to devise implementation plans setting out ways of achieving the air quality standards .
26 The lack of progress in these talks , which were due to resume on Sept. 5 , was highlighted by the latest projection , released on July 16 , from the administration 's Office of Management and Budget ( OMB ) that the budget deficit would be $168,800 million for fiscal 1991 ( beginning in October 1990 ) .
27 We thought it was probably a Jap plane , and they were in the habit of swooping down and machine-gunning anybody , so , although it was a boiling hot day , I said to you children , ‘ Let's play a game of tag round that heap of stones , ’ thinking that at least we would not all get hit .
28 For the earth with all her fruits of corn , cattle and such like , was made to be a common storehouse of livelihood to all mankind , friend and foe , without exception .
29 Research is often carried out by trainee solicitors and the rapid turnover of support at that level reinforces the need for the index .
30 The 1962 Cuban missile crisis severely damaged the USSR 's image in Latin America , and Moscow 's claims to be seeking peaceful coexistence were further undermined by Castro 's outspoken advocacy of guerrilla warfare and his stated policy of support for such endeavours in Latin America ( see chapter 4 ) .
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