Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [be] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The presence of such high levels of mercury is something of a mystery , since 65 per cent of the metal in the Mediterranean is naturally-occurring .
2 For others , convenience and speed of preparation is everything in their hurried life-styles .
3 Well what kind of part was it like ?
4 But it 's been I think great fun and I will wish to renew my thanks to those who made it possible and that of course is you by being here .
5 This type of guitar was something of a German speciality , as though the builders , while acknowledging the burgeoning ‘ beat boom ’ market of the time , could n't bring themselves to completely prostitute their art by simply cloning the famous electric guitars of America .
6 The third method for assessing the effects of exposure is one in which the subjects are required to learn a discrimination between pre-exposed stimuli ( or between the pre-exposed stimulus and some other ) .
7 This means that for many of its black speakers as well as virtually all its white speakers , the London variety of Creole is something like a second language or dialect , learnt around the time of transition between childhood and adolescence .
8 What work is in progress , and what stage of completion is it at ?
9 The natives were treacherous people , as everyone knew , ungodly and faithless , and their early shows of friendship were nothing but a ruse to lull the pioneers into a false feeling of security , so that they could ensnare them in their false enchantments , pounce on them unawares and kill them while they slept .
10 This pessimism may have some truth given the present management approach within our schools but it is suggested here that if that managerial frame of reference was itself to be radically re-oriented , then teachers ' perceptions of their own professionality would also be powerfully affected and they may indeed come to feel that effective classroom activity was positively related to their performance in the wider school context .
11 ‘ What line of work is he in , then ? ’
12 Whilst the experiment was limited to trainee engineers and by the type of microcomputer used , the results of this investigation indicated that : 1 ) the mode of man-machine interaction which was most popular and has the fewest dissenters , was one in which the user directed the course of action , as in the modular program ; 2 ) a fast design time was most likely to be achieved by the use of an optimization technique ; 3 ) an optimum design was most likely to be achieved by a preprogrammed optimization technique , but only where the problem , design parameters and constraints were understood ; 4 ) the technique thought most likely to allow some gaining of insight was one in which the user has control of the program , as in the modular program .
13 I have n't quite finished wallpapering , I do n't think that 's gon na make a lot of difference is it to the .
14 And what sort of shop was it in your day when you were young Michael ?
15 I back toward the door trying to shush her , till she stops shouting long enough to ask , ‘ What sort of business are you in that uses kids as errand boys ? ’
16 What kind of person are you in conflict situations ?
17 Among the items which therefore never saw light of day was one in which I suggested that there were individual candidates of all the parties in different parts of the country whom one might be tempted to vote for on purely personal grounds .
18 Clearly , the field of education is one in which there is a considerable amount of public expenditure upon services that contribute to public welfare .
19 ‘ What sort of wound was it on her head ? ’ asked Greg .
20 The two liturgies of Word and of Eucharist are one in the Mass , but a liturgy of the Word in any circumstance should serve our next and further celebrations of Mass .
21 Diplock LJ said " A contract in restraint of trade is one in which a party ( the covenantor ) agrees with any other party ( the covenantee ) to restrict his liberty in the future to carry on trade with other persons not parties to the contract in such manner as he chooses " .
22 What sort of creature was she after all who could feel only loathing for a woman who had suffered so ?
23 The general picture that emerges from these patterns of variation is one in which simplification patterns and loss of regularity and consistency are related to the weakening of network strength and the development of patterns of weak ties .
24 The overall rate of incidence is one in every 800 live births , which means that around seven to eight hundred Down 's babies are born every year .
25 But that he had a feminist analysis of society is something for which there is no evidence .
26 Rigidity of approach is something to be avoided at all costs — there is no point in being able to do a ‘ party piece ’ one way and be unable to take in new direction on the same material .
27 This highlights the third qualification : the liberal-democratic type of government is one in which it is denied that there is any objective science of sociely or of morals .
28 The belief , universal in the political thinking of the Enlightenment , that the best form of government is one in which the individual is subject to known and clearly expressed laws , ruled out the arbitrary and uncontrolled ‘ oriental despotism ’ which every thinker of the age agreed in rejecting .
29 This is rooted in the perception of society as a collection of disparate and even conflicting interests — such as those of the rich and poor — with a democratic system of government being one in which these different interests are recognized as legitimate and therefore have a voice .
30 A disconcerting person , Emily Dickinson , but her shrinking from the sexual side of life was something with which one could entirely sympathize .
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