Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Women are part of the leadership of the Intifada and their organising and incredible display of unity is a major impetus to the Uprising .
2 The author stresses that the nature of assessment is a complex activity requiring skill and being more than the gathering of information which is but a first stage in the process .
3 This Instrument of Assessment is a particular application of the reviewing process with which PSD tutors will already be familiar .
4 Gramsci 's theory of hegemony is a partial answer to this ; but there remains unanswered the question how development occurs at all in peripheral areas .
5 This pattern of support was a dangerous one for the club .
6 Anyone who is interested in the human side of innovation , and who suspects that the management of change is a subtle business , about which there is always more to be learned , might find something useful here .
7 Part of this process of change is a greater tolerance of certain aspects of oneself , and a lesser propensity for these to cause guilt or anxiety .
8 The human capacity to grow and develop from even the smallest seed of hope is a constant miracle .
9 However as in the sentry the message of hope is a false one and the soldiers died anyway , while the snow in the phrase ‘ until this morning and this snow ’ is assuredly a description of the same it would also appear to be in contrast to the warm sun as death is the contrast to life and the day the soldier is brought out the sun fails to wake him and there is snow .
10 This continuation of the peasant sector alongside the development of industrialisation is a distinct aspect of capitalist development in the periphery and characterises much of rural development in the LDCs .
11 While some of them are able to accept the situation with equanimity and wait for it to pass , others tend to panic and assume that the condition must of necessity be a permanent one .
12 The final stroke of luck was a strong north-easterly which sprung up to wash them ashore on Great Barrier Island .
13 As one disease is conquered or controlled , others appear , particularly those caused by viruses , and finding cures or methods of immunisation is a lengthy exercise .
14 She grows up in a household which defies the law by bringing black and white people together , one in which the challenging of racism is a 24-hour living presence and is the only thing that really matters .
15 Blaming others or opting out of responsibility is a reliable sign that Ego is in control .
16 The symptoms of angina are a heavy cramp-like pain across the chest which can spread to the neck , shoulder , arm and even the jaw .
17 The Ministry of Defence was a typical government ministry in the Soviet Union , except that it was much larger than most .
18 The ( re ) privatisation of agriculture is a major development in much of eastern Europe and the ex-Soviet Union , and the study is expected to throw valuable light on this development .
19 Economically the traditional sector of agriculture was a negative force : it was immune to the fluctuations of the great markets or , if not , it resisted their impact as best it could .
20 Moreover , many actual nationalizations were indeed objectively functional for the restructuring of parts of the economy ‘ no longer organised as capital ’ as Fine and O'Donnell ( 1981 ) put it ; and the British Conservatives only attempted to reverse the post-war Labour government 's efforts ‘ where we believed that a measure of nationalisation was a real hindrance to our island life ( Winston Churchill , cited in Weiner 1960 : 80 ) .
21 Environmental protection can impose financial costs on producers , consumers and taxpayers , so we must make sure the threat of damage is a real one .
22 Like Valesio , he had been shot through the mouth , but this time the only sign of damage was a single discreet exit wound in the back of the neck .
23 The village of Roncevaux is a short way beyond and a little way down from the col ; it consists mainly of the very military-looking monastery and attendant Gothic church created there in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries for the service of pilgrims .
24 Golden-leaved marjoram , yellow-variegated lemon balm , white-variegated pineapple mint , purple-leaved sage , blue rue , the filmy leaves of bronze fennel , and the pink , purple and blue , leaf-like bracts of clary are a few herbs of this kind .
25 The choice of technique is a vital one in a conservation project , programme or national policy for two related reasons .
26 The Formalist definition of literature is a differential or oppositional one : what constitutes literature is simply its difference from other orders of facts .
27 Leavis held firm to the idea that any kind of responsible discussion of literature was a critical act , so that the academic was inescapably engaged in criticism when lecturing or conducting a seminar .
28 This has of course been a gradual process but has achieved results ( see figure 2 ) .
29 This problem of ‘ additionality ’ has of course been a long-standing one in relation to the British government and European Community assistance — as discussed in the Obair Report .
30 What he prefers of course is a figural economy of desire ; he wants a sensibility , a culture and a politics in which the primary process ‘ erupts ’ into the secondary process like ‘ the application of a force to text ’ ( Dews 1984 , p. 47 ) .
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