Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 The eyes are the blue of a shallow sea , watering slightly at the corners , a trickle of moisture sinking into the parched skin .
2 Great quantities of effluent pouring into the river added to the stench of local skin and tannery works to produce appalling smells and what one official report referred to as ‘ gross pollution ’ .
3 After keeping and breeding Malawi Cichlids for the past fifteen years NANCY SHUTTLE felt it was time for winds of change to blow into the fish house .
4 According to the NRA 's figures , 200,000 tons of nitrogen , 32,000 tons of orthophosphates , 3,000 tons of zinc , 500 tons of copper ( in the latter two cases half of the total ) , 340 tons of lead ( nearly three quarters of the total ) and five tons of mercury flowed into the sea in 1990 .
5 A further element of contrast built into the research is that it will explore how inter-agency policies are negotiated and enacted at a local level , in a small number of tightly defined neighbourhoods which will be chosen in such a way as to reflect demographic variations , differences in housing stock and employment , varying local crime rates , ethnic diversity , and other relevant factors .
6 Well the earnings of course went into the business we 'd er There was Dad , he 'd retired then out of the pits , early .
7 There has been a new type of enthusiasm injected into the workforce by management and workforce alike .
8 Yet , I was assured , 20 years of experience goes into the planning , with every bit of detail given on route maps .
9 So , there is no other source of income coming into the household ?
10 I would guess quite a bit of money goes into the local economy .
11 When the Council houses were sold , a lot of money went into the , went into the Council
12 Rivers of money rushed into the coffers of the Dukakis camp .
13 The , the amount of money put into the United Nations by the governments
14 League is concerned , is the amount of money coming into the game and the danger that over a few years it could widen the division between the haves and the have-nots .
15 A note of hysteria crept into the voice from the grave .
16 There was thus a source of tension built into the very heart of the new biology , a tension that was never resolved and would ultimately divide the life sciences into a chaos of competing disciplines .
17 To the extent that such approaches may suggest the desirability of changing over to a counter-force nuclear policy , they escape from the moral frying-pan of counter-city targeting into the strategic fire of counter-force , which has the twin disadvantages that it might put a premium on first strike and that it would in any case result in frightful civilian losses .
18 Sheets of flame shot into the air , driving clouds of smoke in his direction .
19 Roads , railways , lakes , rivers , major settlements , chemical storage facilities and political boundaries can be displayed and used as overlays for the various modules that examine the impacts of chemical spills into the atmosphere and river systems .
20 Mix a teaspoon of sugar into the first glass , a teaspoon of tea leaves into the second glass and a teaspoon of washing powder into the third .
21 They concluded that because approximately half of the 5 gigatons of carbon released into the atmosphere each year by the consumption of fossil fuel remains in the atmosphere , the world temperature has already been affected .
22 However , they are not convinced that the primary cause of this is toxic concentrations of aluminium released into the soil as acidity increased .
23 There is a permanent element of uncertainty built into the situation , which undermines the willingness of administrators to make long-range commitments or plan for flexibility .
24 One should regard the superego as a kind of critic built into the ego .
25 We have passed out of the realm of programme making into the realm of action .
26 The potential we could receive here , erm the kind of people who live here , the numbers of people who live here now and in the future , the types of housing and housing again , in the future and all in all a g a great deal of study went into the area .
27 Six months of research went into the changes and Trevor emerged as a person who was respected , carried weight and authority and who was liked and trusted .
28 We would argue that the kind of research conducted into the referral and investigative service of Rochdale NSPCC Child Protection Team could usefully be repeated in other social work agencies , particularly social services departments .
29 The door opened and a shaft of light spilled into the room from the landing , falling on the bed , startling her .
30 As victory turned to defeat , domestic conditions deteriorated , belts had to be tightened and hardships increased , and the vision of utopia turned into the reality of total war and impending disaster , the function of the Hitler image as a compensation for the mounting miseries and sacrifices of daily existence gradually lost its effectiveness then collapsed almost completely .
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