Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps most fundamental of all , however , was the climate of hostility and mistrust that existed between East and West during the ‘ new cold war ’ of the late 1970s and early 1980s ; and it was the dissipation of this climate , above all through a series of face-to-face meetings between the Soviet and American leaders , that contributed most directly to the resumption of progress in arms control and other matters .
2 Impact of Change on Personnel Policy
3 There is , however , an irrefutable case for giving a greater degree of protection to fishermen resident in the Hebrides and the North of Scotland generally .
4 We have already referred to the problems of co-ordination in organisations individuals and groups within the organisation need to identify with the objectives of the project .
5 Acceptance of inspection of weapons sites
6 The impossibility of replication in police investigation is not as crippling as might appear at first sight because it is far less important , or even necessary , in the criminal context than in science .
7 I am seeking information , ideas , and examples of literature regarding complaints procedures accessible to clients with learning difficulties .
8 The county council is accused of over-reaction to police complaints .
9 Renewing calls for a ban on all nuclear weapons tests and for an end to the production of weapons-grade plutonium , Yeltsin proposed the creation of an international agency monitoring nuclear weapons " through the whole cycle " , from the extraction of uranium to weapons manufacture .
10 ‘ So , we required a new programme that would bridge the state of mind of sports fans , and the teenage pop music audience , while attracting and holding the children 's audience accustomed to their Saturday afternoon serial .
11 A They would take their place in the order of succession after Princes William and Harry and their issue .
12 This demonstrates the effect of leverage in futures contracts .
13 Following her analysis of the use of arts/aesthetic terminology and the level of perception of arts issues in DES documentation , Redfern ( 1986 ) confirms the impression of uncertain HMI understanding .
14 Assistant Recorder Mr. J. Anthony told Youngman : ‘ You have an otherwise unblemished record but this was a serious offence of violence on police officers who are entitled to protection by the courts . ’
15 It seems likely the use of violence by police officers is much understated in this account .
16 The Home Office has set up a committee to examine codes of practice for police computers .
17 I Branches without women rivals now sided with Glasgow in demanding a campaign to exclude women for good , while branches such as Edinburgh , who had to contend with the problem , tried to go on arguing for some form of recognition of women workers .
18 Be that as it may , we have more than once witnessed the potential of legspin in limited-overs cricket .
19 Terms of reference for Investigations Service .
20 to examine the terms of reference of complaints committees and how and what judgements are made in specific instances .
21 Bruin of Mallion with daughters Lenlee Fern , Lenlee Delight and Lenlee Neeraum Brigitte .
22 Bruin of Mallion with daughters Lenlee Fern , Lenlee Delight and Lenlee Neeraum Brigitte .
23 Richard Coleman , managing directors of Compass Commercial Services , agreed that the MoD was a significant marketplace , although most of the contracts were now being let on a retender basis and a new insecurity in what was already a high risk business had recently presented itself — the application to the public sector of Transfer of Undertakings legislation , when incoming contractors are obliged to retain staff at current rates of pay , terms and conditions , or pick up the redundancy liability .
24 It was n't very radical , it was n't very intellectual , but it caught a mood of dissent in mid-1950s America , just edging away from the excesses of McCarthyism , still immersed in the Eisenhower years .
25 Hence at present three main kinds of problems are encountered in the use of existing systems : first , the generally inappropriate design of GUIs for GIS purposes ; second , the specification of the language of interaction for spatial operations and queries ; and , third , the limited content and rigid structure of standard help systems .
26 Dec. 19 China agrees that UN should play a role in resolving Cambodian problem Hun Sen Chairman ; Foreign Affairs Bou Thang Vice-Chairman Say Phouthang Vice-Chairman ; Chairman of Central Control Commission Chea Soth Vice-Chairman Kong Samol Vice-Chairman ; Minister in charge of Cabinet of Council of Ministers Say Chhum Vice-Chairman ; Agriculture Gen. Tea Banh Vice-Chairman ; National Defence Pung Peng Cheng Minister Assistant to Chairman of Council of Ministers Kong Korm State Affairs Inspectorate Koy Buntha Social Affairs and War Invalids Chea Chanto Planning Ho Hon Industry Sin Song Interior Chhay Than Finance Pen Navuth Education Ung Phan Communications , Transport and Posts Chheng Phon Information , Press and Culture Taing Sarim Trade Ouk Bun Chhoeun Justice Yith Kim Seng Health Khun Chhy Minister attached to Council Ministers Hor Nam Hong Minister Assistant in charge of monitoring Foreign and Judicial Affairs Cha Rieng Chairman of National Bank Cheam Yiep Director-General of General Directorate for Tourism Sim Ka Chairman of State Control Committee Sam Sarit Director of General Department for Rubber Plantations
27 Do Muoi Chairman Senior Gen. Vo Van Kiet First Vice-Chairman Nguyen Co Thach Vice-Chairman ; Foreign Affairs Senior Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap Vice-Chairman Senior Gen. Dong Sy Nguyen Vice-Chairman Nguyen Khanh Vice-Chairman ; General Secretary of Council of Ministers Tran Duc Luong Vice-Chairman Pham Vam Kai Chairman of State Commission for Planning Doan Duy Thanh Foreign Economic Relations Ho Ngoc Nhuong Director of Office of Council of Ministers Phan Ngoc Tuong Minister in charge of Organization of Council of Ministers Huynh Cong So Chairman of State Inspectorate Maj.-Gen.
28 Do Muoi Chairman Senior Gen. Vo Van Kiet First Vice-Chairman Nguyen Co Thach Vice-Chairman ; Foreign Affairs Senior Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap Vice-Chairman Senior Gen. Dong Sy Nguyen Vice-Chairman Nguyen Khanh Vice-Chairman ; General Secretary of Council of Ministers Tran Duc Luong Vice-Chairman Pham Vam Kai Chairman of State Commission for Planning Doan Duy Thanh Foreign Economic Relations Ho Ngoc Nhuong Director of Office of Council of Ministers Phan Ngoc Tuong Minister in charge of Organization of Council of Ministers Huynh Cong So Chairman of State Inspectorate Maj.-Gen.
29 Do Muoi Chairman Senior Gen. Vo Van Kiet First Vice-Chairman Nguyen Co Thach Vice-Chairman ; Foreign Affairs Senior Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap Vice-Chairman Senior Gen. Dong Sy Nguyen Vice-Chairman Nguyen Khanh Vice-Chairman ; General Secretary of Council of Ministers Tran Duc Luong Vice-Chairman Pham Vam Kai Chairman of State Commission for Planning Doan Duy Thanh Foreign Economic Relations Ho Ngoc Nhuong Director of Office of Council of Ministers Phan Ngoc Tuong Minister in charge of Organization of Council of Ministers Huynh Cong So Chairman of State Inspectorate Maj.-Gen.
30 Sultan Ali Keshtmand Chairman of Executive Committee of Council of Ministers Mohammad Sarwar Mangal Deputy Prime Minister Sayed Amanoddin Amin Deputy Prime Minister Mahbubollah Koshani Deputy Prime Minister Mahmud Barialay Deputy Prime Minister Mohammad Hakim Deputy Prime Minister Lt.-Gen.
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