Example sentences of "of [pron] as [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Then she said : ‘ So you see , I 'm making myself as unpleasant as I can — and I assure you I can ! — to make them want to get rid of me as soon as possible . ’
2 The ghost of my son pursued me yet , his translucent image being reflected from the trunk of every tree , so that it sometimes appeared ahead of me as well as on every side .
3 Then the other one , whom your sister thinks must be the owner of the farm , apologized for a ‘ case of mistaken identity ’ , as he called it , and got rid of me as quickly as possible .
4 We can not ignore , therefore , the possibility of our oil tax revenues running out or reducing , and it is important to find ways of becoming independent of them as soon as possible .
5 So , er , I 'm sure we all know them , how to stop them coming , or get rid of them as soon as possible .
6 There have been improvements here and there in the East European countries , but generally speaking they distribute sulphur dioxide to their own fields and cities and to the countries downwind of them as liberally as they ever did .
7 Think about the shape of the flowers that you are pressing and try to place the blotting paper on top of them as carefully as possible to ensure that they will lie flat under the weights , because once they are permanently pressed you can not start again .
8 To the uninitiated it might seem that the shunters are engaged in a game of hide-and-seek with the trucks ; they appear to scatter them all over the yard , as if their object were to separate many of them as completely as possible .
9 I began several diaries , carrying on the entries in some of them as far as February .
10 And this was one of them as far as the demon was concerned ) .
11 All of them as far as paragraph B is concerned it deals with the reduction in local government responsibilities and the growth of non-elected bodies .
12 Now this I dependably find a real throw-up number but there 's never anything too horrendous because , as my colleagues are always saying , we 're at the darning-and-patching level of the biomedical business : the serious cases we bring in direct , and at speed , from the city hospitals , and we in our turn get rid of them as quickly as we can .
13 In some cases it can be difficult or even impossible to find texts again ( for example if the text is a lecture , or a television programme ) , but you should still keep details of them as fully as possible , so that your reader knows exactly where ideas or words come from .
14 On the day he left , Gould wrote to Captain Washington at the Royal Geographical Society , announcing proudly , ‘ I shall have many novelties to add to science as well as to communicate a great deal respecting their habits since I have already obtained the nests and eggs of 60 species not one of which as far as I am aware have been described . ’
15 Then , in your own words answer the question at the top of the sheet in front of you as honestly as you can .
16 Nigel and Rosamund Starmer-Smith 's tragic loss of their daughter , Charlotte , has clearly affected many of you as deeply as it has us .
17 Others , and particularly the teachers , may seem too busy with their classes for the head to ask them to share this part of the school work-load , there is a shortage of clerical support , the heads want to be seen as in charge of everything as far as possible , and so on .
18 She could see a decision path dividing in front of her as plainly as if it was real .
19 Why could not Wales have taken care of him as efficiently as Ireland had of Roger ?
20 You see , it 's not just speaking in other tongues , there is gon na become the evidence of it as well as we grow in him .
21 Fig 99 C is sailing in A's dirty wind and must get out of it as soon as possible by either tacking or bearing away .
22 ‘ Maybe she just panicked for the moment , wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible . ’
23 ‘ He was n't hurt and that 's the end of it as far as he 's concerned . ’
24 If that golf-club was used to attack Alain , the killer would want to get rid of it as quickly as possible . ’
25 ‘ He owns everything in front of us as far as the eye can see . ’
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