Example sentences of "of [pron] is [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Joseph and Ann had six children , none of whom is named in the will .
2 She wore the spectacles , and now some fragment of her is inside my mind , just as some fragment of me is lodged in hers .
3 Thus unreasonable or unusual terms may be held not to have been incorporated into the contract unless special notice of them is given in the contract ( Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 348 ) .
4 One of them is enclosed in the letters written by the same ship , another bill is sent overland to the factor or party to whom the goods are consigned , the third remaineth with the merchant , for his testimony against the master , if there were any occasion for loose dealing ; but especially it is kept for to serve in case of loss , to recover the value of the goods of the assurors that have undertaken to bear the adventure with you .
5 This should ensure that none of them is eliminated in an early count and thus deprived of the benefit of a surplus transferred from any more popular running-mate .
6 According to a potential erosion hazard map produced by Stocking ( 1975 ) , a modified version of which is given in Fig. 7.3 , the areas with the highest erosion potential are located mainly in the northern part of the country especially in the Zambesi Valley and the Mutoko District .
7 It is normally impossible to display all the components of an expanded system model in the same plane ( without using the whole wall of an office ! ) , so they were also shown as a hierarchical scalar , an example of which is given in Fig 11.6 .
8 The structure and format of these papers can be based on internal control questionnaires ( ICQs ) , an example of which is given in Fig. 3.2 .
9 The form of cost report ( an example of which is given in Table 6.1 ) will vary between projects .
10 When it runs its progress will be logged via its error log file , an example of which is given in Figure 2.2 .
11 Currently the parent has around $3bn of funds under management , 70 per cent of which is invested in West Germany .
12 An estimated $US600 m. annual damage occurs in India due to flooding and siltation , much of which is caused in Himalayan watersheds in Nepal ( Gribbin 1982 , Thompson and Warburton 1982 ) .
13 The plaintiffs then had a new point which I may call the waiver argument , the basic principle of which is stated in Wigmore on Evidence , 8th ed. ( 1961 ) , pp. 453–455 , para. 2275 :
14 Among presynaptic substrates for PKC is the calmodulin-binding protein gap43 , phosphorylation of which is increased in LTP .
15 It now accounts for 15% of total income , most of which is generated in Germany .
16 But they admit that far more important will be a proposed new law on market supervision and investor protection , the first draft of which is expected in late spring .
17 There is also , though , a growing body of literature on the acquisition of deictic terms by children , most of which is referenced in Wales , 1979 and Tanz , 1980 , while a useful collection of cross-linguistic observations can be found in Anderson & Keenan , in Press .
18 At the same time , increasing interest in language led to a succession of BEd courses with strong language components in Colleges of Education ( work in the Birmingham area , led by Professor John Sinclair , part of which is described in Mary Willes ' paper on pp. xx-xx , was particularly notable , but similar innovations were developed elsewhere ) .
19 The school was selected for further study from a register of such schools , the preparation of which is described in Chapter 10 .
20 There 's I think it 's approximately twenty six hectares identified , erm most of which is committed in one way or another .
21 The increased competition from imported coal which the proposed privatization of the electricity industry was expected to unleash would also force down the price of British mined coal — most of which is used in CEGB power stations .
22 This screen contains codified information , some of which is used in the payroll production such as pay type ( ie cash , credit transfer ) , and bank account details .
23 This can be done with one of the most attractive arguments at the teachers ' disposal , students ' work ; a contrast can be made with the kind of work which students undertook in the 1960s and 1970s , an example of which is included in Figure 1.2 .
24 A profit and loss account ( an example of which is shown in Fig. 2.1 ) includes revenues and expenses relevant to an accounting period ( usually one year ) and shows the resulting profit or loss .
25 A balance sheet ( an example of which is shown in Fig. 2.2 ) , or statement of financial position , shows the assets owned or controlled at the date of the balance sheet and how they are financed .
26 In addition , a source and application of funds statement ( an example of which is shown in Fig. 2.3 ) is usually produced to show the various sources of funds received during the period in question and how those funds have been spent .
27 The Palace , a reconstruction of which is shown in Fig. 135 , was built of limestone in a little over 10 years .
28 The DNA binding ability of each deletion polypeptide was assayed by gel retardation analysis , an example of which is shown in Figure 8B .
29 The Q-factor meter , a version of which is shown in figure 7.4(b) , is better for determining the inductance L and resistance R of an inductor .
30 It consists of two alternating narratives , one of which is set in the eighteenth century and the other in the present , with the earlier delivered in the first person .
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