Example sentences of "of [pron] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The reason for this , I later discovered , is that at yours there is likely to be a selection of friends and relations , one of whom in the course of discussion is bound to say , ‘ Come on , let's give him the best ! ’ and although he or she is very seldom the one who is paying for it , no one likes to appear mean at such a time — an attitude , I might add , of which the undertaker thoroughly approves !
2 Chapter One begins with allegations printed in one of the more respectable weekly magazines that do their best to ruin the reputation of everyone in the public eye .
3 What followed can only be described as a wild west show , with representatives chasing it around the Norfolk showground , much tot he amusement of everyone in the vicinity .
4 The project has run to schedule throughout and we have maintained volumes , thanks to the co-operation of everyone in the mill who have accepted enormous changes in working practices and got to grips with the new system quickly and competently — its ultimate success will be a tribute to them all .
5 It is a massive redistribution of wealth from one owner ( the Government , on behalf of everyone in the country ) to a much narrower segment of the population ( the 4 to 5 million likely to take up the offer ) who will be able to buy the assets at a discount .
6 It is a massive redistribution of wealth from one owner ( the Government , on behalf of everyone in the country ) to a much narrower segment of the population ( the 4 to 5 million likely to take up the offer ) who will be able to buy the assets at a discount .
7 ‘ The thanks of everyone in the company are due to them for really pulling out the stops when it was needed ’ .
8 She has deservedly won the respect of everyone in the field of movement and dance both for the Society and herself .
9 In all she was a model wife , and earned the esteem of everyone in the town .
10 In primary schools for example , whilst the girls tend to know the names of everyone in the class , the boys know the names of the boys only .
11 The FCC competition has helped to concentrate the minds of everyone in the broadcast industry on the digital technology which has always been employed by the computer industry .
12 It is particularly important that we have the support of everyone in the House .
13 He broke off as Jim Miller let go a Indian whoop of relief and delighted grins spread across the faces of everyone in the group .
14 The achievements made to date are impressive and are a credit to the individual skills , determination and enthusiasm of everyone in the Group .
15 Whilst we still have a lot to do , the determination and resolve of everyone in the Group to continued improvement is encouraging , and gives me confidence that we will meet our goals .
16 Boys ! ’ he shouted to draw the attention of everyone in the trattoria to their table .
17 She had a sudden fearful vision of everyone in the world , the untold billions , including Gorbachev and Reagan , engaged in desperate meaningless activity to stave off the horror of death in life , the accident of life .
18 ‘ Rest assured , sir , that we shall be checking the movements and background of everyone in the club .
19 Once established , procedures must be followed and the job done right first time to the satisfaction of everyone in the quality chain .
20 " Well , mother explained to me what was expected of me in the marriage bed and it sounded so terrifying .
21 For it 's time they saw more of me in the south , Iago , where I shall not be expected .
22 She said : ‘ They have incorporated a lot of me in the role .
23 Until at last I saw him shooting off ahead of me in the form of a long lumpy thread , vibrating with moisture , which stretched ectoplasmically into the maw of the shuttling frame .
24 These hands , and the crisp white shirtsleeves that lead away from them , are the only signs of me in the room .
25 ‘ Guy Ferris , the photographer , gave up trying to get a good shot of me in the end .
26 And think better of me in the future ! ’
27 And today the public have er returned their gesture in honour of me in the returning of the guilty verdict .
28 And if People magazine wanted to take a picture of me in the surf with a stuffed animal , or whatever the fuck it was , then hey , the joke 's on them . ’
29 There were two sisters ahead of me in the family , and though of course I did not know it , there was heady talk of emigration , possibly to Canada but more usually to England , the land of milk and honey and opportunity .
30 When Eliot had spoken well of me in the reply to John Garrett , to which I have referred , the latter was slightly miffed , I could tell ; for although he showed it me with some pride as being a favourable reply to his request , he countered the praise it contained by saying that Eliot was being far too kind to an absolute novice .
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