Example sentences of "of [pron] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The first match at the Hillsborough Centre , Sheffield , is against the Lancashire County U18s , several of whom are in the England squad .
2 Prosecutor Dorian Lovell-Pank told the court : ‘ A group of people , not all of whom are in the dock , were engaged in the wholesale theft or handling of a vast amount of property .
3 Working on the template agreed with his fellow coaches , McGeechan and Douglas Morgan , Dixon has brought a dynamism to the driving mauls , mostly triggered from clean lineout ball , which had seemed largely beyond the Scottish Exiles — four of whom are in the pack — when they attempted to deploy that tactic during the inter-district championship .
4 I think that if you 've only got twenty spaces then that 's difficult because we 've got a hundred and something members most of whom are in the central belt
5 The Marriage Act 1949 provides that a marriage between persons either of whom is under the age of 16 is void .
6 The following are also void : marriages between parties who are not respectively male and female ; marriages between persons , either of whom is under the age of 16 ( see p. 43 ) ; and a polygamous marriage entered into outside England and Wales , if either party was at the time domiciled in England and Wales ( for domicile , see pp. 61–3 ) .
7 Under the present arrangement , single week Championship Series are guaranteed six top-rated players , although much to the surprise of four tournament directors , one of whom is on the Tour Board , the word ‘ guaranteed ’ has been changed to read ‘ Tour goal ’ .
8 A marriage celebrated between two persons , one of whom is at the time validly married , is in any case void ; and any person knowingly entering into such a marriage is guilty of bigamy .
9 Despite the initial support of the boycott by international operatic stars — most of whom were at the time on contract to work with him — Barneboim 's case did not excite much public sympathy in France .
10 Passengers at the time amounted to several thousands on the SVR Gala , most of whom were at the northern Bridgnorth end of the line , enjoying rides behind 56014 and 59101 which was earlier named ‘ Village of Whatley ’ .
11 Among visiting ploughmen this year will be Ray Robson and Adrian Brewer from England , both of whom were at the World Match at Limavady two years ago .
12 The students at Beida , some of whom were on the verge of taking to the streets , probably feared the possible repercussions and with the end of term imminent , they decided that open protest was not worth the risk .
13 The staff of both periodicals were approached by many artists , some of whom were on the list and many more who were not .
14 On the spur of the moment the other day I asked a seminar group of sixteen PGCE students ( a third of whom were over the age of thirty ) after a three-week preliminary block of school experience , whether they thought that schools were ( a ) fine as they were ; ( b ) in need of some modifications ; ( c ) failing a sizeable proportion of young people ; ( d ) seriously failing all young people .
15 Nine patients experienced minor leakage , six of whom were over the age of 50 ; such leakage , however , was of mucus only and of minor degree in five of the six patients , and the sole patient who experienced minor faecal leakage was assessed within six months of operation and has in fact improved after longer follow up .
16 Odd-Knut said that the locals , many of whom were in the fishing and related trades , were incensed .
17 It was such sayings as these that inspired the dervishes some of whom were in the armies of the Khalif and impressed the British soldiers as no other warriors ever did .
18 Does my right hon. Friend appreciate that this is wonderful news for Glasgow and for Scotland and a great tribute to the work force and management , some of whom were in the House this week to meet an all-party group ?
19 Seven out of ten of these employees worked for the seven largest employers , all but one of whom were in the motor vehicle , mechanical engineering and electrical engineering sectors .
20 Traces of explosives were found on the clothing of the three accused , two of whom were in the back seat of the vehicle and one in the front passenger seat .
21 Twelve members of dissident groups , six of whom were from the Association for the Defence of Political Rights ( Adepo ) and four from the Free Art Association ( Apal ) , campaigning for a multiparty system and free elections , were arrested before or during the Congress .
22 So she 'd have to face the prospect of me being on the dole for a long time .
23 Yes , well anyhow that , that more or less covers the early part of me being on the beat .
24 Well one of them 's on the second one , and one 's on
25 ‘ In case one of them 's from the kidnappers . ’
26 Some of them are below the level you expect and below the standards we want to provide , ’ it says .
27 ‘ Tie-in books ’ are a major part of any best-seller list , but not all of them are of the semi-literate kind often found there and described earlier .
28 Most of them are of the lancet type particularly associated with the commissioners ' buildings and many — for example , Christ Church , Meadow Lane , Leeds ( 1823–6 , demolished ) and Honley near Huddersfield ( 1842–3 ) — had thin arcade piers of cast iron ; but Chantrell was a serious student of Gothic .
29 Erm many of my officers erm indeed all of them are of the same mind .
30 There are vast differences between the two , of course ; but not all of them are to the latter 's credit .
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