Example sentences of "of [pron] [adv] [vb base] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah well I was talking , I was talking to a friend and they said that , you know , there 's some homophobic attacks and some of them just happen to occur because people are walking in a gay area
2 Some of them just want to go back to places they liked while they were still alive .
3 But really most of them just want to travel and earn a few bob .
4 Most of them also expect to form families .
5 But in any case , the best proof of the pudding is in the eating — by which I mean that any one who has tried to help young poets over the years , whether in Britain or America , knows that Ford 's and the imagists ' precepts about diction are what most of them most need to learn — no novelty , after all , since they can learn the same lessons from the preface to Lyrical Ballads , if they choose to .
6 But economic and commercial policy are also bedrock attributes of the nation state , and the members of the Community have long transferred commercial policy to the Community , while most of them clearly intend to transfer monetary policy to the Community as well .
7 Some of them are still exogenous and can be modified only by varying the stimulus , but some of them now seem to depend mainly on the way the subject is processing the stimulus .
8 On top of that many of them necessarily have to divide their time to allow for the other tasks for which they are also responsible .
9 Some of them hardly seem to know one end of a horse from another .
10 I will give back give back the books that have been signed and I want you in the the section of I just want to point out one or two things before we go on to the next .
11 Er then to er put er against the background as the District Council last last week were being told our budget will cost us er to er accidents and of course what this exercise would cost us , three hundred and fifty thousand is the amount very close that some of you just want to spend on the doing traffic calming over the next year year .
12 Should you buy a car , register it in your name alone , that will avoid problems should the two of you ever decide to split up .
13 ‘ Did any of you ever bother to dream Tunney 's Dreams ? ’
14 So I 've got to contact conference office , continue chasing up these people about various student things , that we have we now tapes of we just have to get the consent forms for .
15 I do n't like the thought of anybody else come to babysit though personally .
16 Some of 'em never want to retire . ’
17 Only by a stupendous act of imagination , only by actually putting myself in his skin in that room at that time can I even begin to attempt any sort of answer which moves by the smallest degree away from the natural responses of disgust and revulsion which all of us instinctively wish to express .
18 Many of us sometimes need to talk through our anxieties with someone other than a friend and the Samaritans are always glad to listen .
19 ‘ Many of us truly want to believe that money-making schemes are genuine , even if we harbour some doubts . ’
20 New tracking devices arc coming on to the market to make this stage of planning easier , but most of us still have to plan where we want our socket outlets and lighting long before any kitchen equipment can be installed .
21 In my own department , I should say that , although some members still believe that literature is best studied in isolation , looking simply at ‘ the words on the page ’ , most of us now like to contextualise it in some way , often historically , and are inclined to ask students to read some texts which are not ‘ literature ’ in the conventional sense .
22 Most of us therefore tend to think that strikes are brought about by specific disagreements , over pay for example , or over alleged misconduct by workers or managers .
23 Deep reds , blues and greens may catch our attention when flicking through a kitchen brochure , but few of us actually choose to live with such bold colours .
24 Less than 0.05 per cent of us actually manage to attend the AGM .
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