Example sentences of "of [pron] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If Britain is to compete successfully in the frightening new post-Tokyo world , it must have at its helm a captain over the health of whom no niggling question marks hover .
2 Transracial adoption was also encouraged by developments in child care practice designed to reduce dramatically the number of children living in institutions , of whom a disproportionate number were and still are black ( Raynor 1975 ; Rowe and Lambert , 1970 ) .
3 There are many other pupils , of whom a significant number are girls , who are alienated and disaffected but who provoke no response from professional services .
4 The NCB had a chairman , Mr Ian McGregor , of whom the Prime Minister approved .
5 In discordant twin pairs of whom the diseased twin had ulcerative colitis , the healthy ones tended to have a raised proportion of IgG1 cells ( 64.6% ) , and the IgG2 cell fraction was significantly ( p=0.05 ) reduced ( 19.1% ) compared with controls .
6 Maleczek has shown that from Innocent 's sixth year in office , 1203 – 4 , as the reign progressed , the pope worked more and more with a smaller group of cardinals , of whom the key members were Hugolinus , Pelagius and Guala , and there was less consultation of the whole college .
7 Accuracy of language was crucial when your life was at risk and each use of ‘ Loyalist ’ , when applied to the Protestant equivalents of the IRA , had been to Trent , a Catholic himself by birth , an insult to the Catholic community of whom the vast majority were as opposed to the evils of terrorism as they were to the injustices of long-practised prejudice on which Irish terrorism bred .
8 The support staff is tiny in comparison with that of a Cabinet Minister or US President — about eighty staffworking in Downing Street of whom the great majority ( about sixty ) are clerical and secretarial staff , messengers , clerks , or administrators of the machine .
9 In 1801 the population of England and Wales was under nine million , of whom the great majority lived in rural communities outside London .
10 By 1980–1 , the number of CNAA first degree courses in art and design had grown to 196 , catering for over 15,350 students , of whom the great majority were to be found in the four Dip.AD specialist areas of Fine Art , Graphic Design , Three Dimensional Design and Textile and Fashion Design .
11 The twins were divided into four test groups : twin with ulcerative colitis , healthy twins from discordant twin pairs of whom the affected ones had ulcerative colitis , twin with Crohn 's disease , and healthy twins from discordant twin pairs of whom the affected ones had Crohn 's disease .
12 The twins were divided into four test groups : twin with ulcerative colitis , healthy twins from discordant twin pairs of whom the affected ones had ulcerative colitis , twin with Crohn 's disease , and healthy twins from discordant twin pairs of whom the affected ones had Crohn 's disease .
13 Another Select Committee reported in 1875 that ‘ the continued operation of the Deer Removal Act 1851 ’ would ‘ render the rights of common existing over the New Forest worthless , and by so doing … extinguish a large class of small freeholders and tenants of whom the highest character has been given ’ ; furthermore it would ‘ destroy almost the only specimen left in England of a primeval forest , a priceless source of enjoyment to all classes of the nation ’ .
14 Official statistics released on April 17 showed that 2,188 people , of whom the overwhelming majority were Serbs , had emigrated from Kosovo during 1989 .
15 And today we have a contribution to make in terms of our history of free trade , our outward-looking attitude to the world , and the weight of our tradition of parliamentary and democratic government stretching back over the centuries — something unmatched by any of our partners , for some of whom the very concept of democracy is of recent origin .
16 Indeed , of the category of " male part-timers " , 40 per cent are accounted for by men with temporary jobs , of whom the large majority ( 78 per cent ) are in seasonal , temporary or casual jobs .
17 Gently , making fun of me a little bit , bringing me back to earth .
18 And a moment ago I had in front of me the relevant paper .
19 ( If my private test convinces me that I do not want what you think I want , I assume error in your reading of me the public tests , which I must expose or leave you unanswered . )
20 Only later , I told the now somewhat quivering Principal , only later , when Rosa had gone , did it come to mind that one or two of the other girls had made of me the same enquiry over the past twelve months .
21 Between 1960 and 1970 there was no more successful caddie than Tip Anderson : three victories — one of them a spectacular triumph with Tony Lema on his beloved St Andrews links , and a second place in the centenary , also at St Andrews .
22 In the hut , in the open snow , in the Factory , the Administration block , in the punishment cells , is any one of them a better ground to fight on ?
23 He paused , gave each of them a solemn look across his spectacles and then went on even more deliberately , in his dry old voice .
24 At present the London Implementation Group smells too much of hole in the corner deals : the working part of the group consists only of two named people , one of them a former Thames regional chairman , and the ordinary members of the specialty review committees ( see p 589 ) and of the all important Primary Health Care Forum had not yet been announced as we went to press .
25 They will play before the howling , hipflasking hordes of Old Stiffupperlippians , each of them wearing a red rose and not one of them a Labour voter .
26 A town is in mourning after two people , one of them a nine year old boy , died in separate holiday accidents in the United States .
27 Ahead of them a burly figure was emerging into the street .
28 I twisted on the pole , pushed my talons forward and caught one of them a passing blow .
29 To Tozer 's surprise , two clients — one of them a new customer — have asked Softwright to sort out their own wayward personal computer-based projects .
30 Now , less than a week after the Wearmouth colliery pit disaster , when an underground train carrying miners to the pit was derailed , killing two of them a new advert has appeared .
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