Example sentences of "of [art] [noun pl] by the " in BNC.

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1 The contrast between the treatment of the nationalists by the media in Wales and Scotland is marked .
2 The first change they noticed as a result of the Revolution was the indiscriminate and wasteful hacking down of the woods by the peasants : large trees had merely been deprived of their thinner branches .
3 In the meanwhile , do you think you could persuade a few more salmon to get into the rivers around your neck of the woods by the time next season opens ?
4 … Law then emerges as the evaluation of the interests by the interweaving of interests .
5 Effectively this means that some students at least are initially anxious at the prospect of any language work with a grammatical focus which does not include a formalisation of the data and a description of the rules by the teacher .
6 After these last arrows have been shot , everyone retires for tea and the presentation of the trophies by the captain 's lady .
7 One of the main planks of Sandys ’ doctrine had been the replacement of the V-bombers by the Blue Streak ballistic missile .
8 This , plus direct purchases of some of the bills by the discount houses , would reduce the liquidity of the discount houses , which then would be forced to borrow from the Bank of England at the new higher MLR .
9 The indigenous population , comprising Christian Armenians and Islamic tribesmen of mainly Central Asian , Turkish and Persian origin , were alternately subjected to periods of persecution and forced conversion ( or extermination ) , depending on whether Christian Russia or one of the Islamic countries was in control ; this culminated in the widespread slaughter and deportation of the Armenians by the Turks during the First World War .
10 Intel Corp , obliquely confirming nagging reports that Pentium chips will be in critically short supply at least until October , now says it will ship only about 100,000 of the chips by the end of the year , where only two months ago it was talking ‘ hundreds of thousands ’ of parts this year ; Intel now sees 10,000 Pentiums going out by the end of June , 40,000 in the third quarter , and some 50,000 in fourth .
11 The dissolution of the monasteries by the French in 1809 was the violent culmination of a twenty years ' campaign .
12 Since it is up to the NVOCC 's agent to obtain the goods , control of the goods by the consignee or his creditors is uncertain .
13 Yet , the right of control can be transferred to the consignee up until the moment of receipt of the goods by the carrier .
14 Examples of the last of these are , consumption of the goods by the seller or a resale of them by the seller when he has no right to re-sell .
15 In the event of our cancelling this order as to all or any of the goods and/or the work covered thereby we shall be entitled to purchase from a third party a like quantity of goods of similar description and quality , or a reasonable alternative thereto , bearing in mind our need to take delivery of the goods by the date specified overleaf , or to contract with a third party to perform work of a similar description and quality , and in that event you shall be liable to reimburse to us on demand all expenditure incurred by us in connection with our said cancellation , including any increase in the price over that stated overleaf .
16 Fourth , and finally , the rejection of the Athenians by the Spartans makes more sense if the Ephialtic reforms are seen as part of a process rather than as an event , that is , if the qualities which the Spartans feared were gradually manifesting themselves over the whole thirty-year period , 487–457 .
17 All districts afforested by Henry 11 and John were to be disafforested after examination of the returns by the Justiciar and the Council of Regency .
18 The story of Harmon is linked to that of the Hexams by the river Thames .
19 Even Barak Varr , the Sea Fortress of the Dwarfs by the Black Gulf , was under attack .
20 Of the covenants by the tenant running with the land that " to pay rent or taxes " and " not to assign or underlet , " and by the landlord running with the reversion , " to renew the lease " are the most apposite of the instances which he quotes from decided cases .
21 Perhaps it 's a true measure of the viability of the proposals by the Cadbury Committee and complementary work by the Auditing Practices Board .
22 The schedule of meetings begins with a presentation of the proposals by the Developers , on Friday 1 November 1991 at 2.00 pm in Room 1.5 in the Regional Chambers , to which all members of the Council and appropriate officials are invited .
23 Apple Computer Inc yesterday took the new PowerCD CD-ROM product , announced at Hannover last week , to the US market , saying that it expects to sell 1.5m of the things by the end of this year ; it also said it has shipped more than 1m copies of its QuickTime multimedia software since its launch in January 1992 , and has formed a new unit , New Media to increase market access to multimedia technologies , expand multimedia content and develop new markets for Mac technology ; the PowerCD comes with AppleDesign Powered Speakers claimed to deliver high-quality sound at half the price of similar stereo speakers .
24 Prosecution for offences under either the 1955 Act or the 1970 Regulations may lead to heavy penalties , and even to the enforced closure of the premises by the Food & Drugs ( Control of Food Premises ) Act 1976 .
25 The challenge to the council 's resolution in Wandsworth LBC v. Winder was collateral in two ways : it was made in answer to a claim for possession of the premises by the Council , and it was incidental to an assertion of a contractual right under the lease .
26 The duty to a lawful visitor only extends so long as , and so far as the lawful visitor is making what can reasonably be contemplated as an ordinary and reasonable use of the premises by the lawful visitor for the purposes for which he has been invited .
27 Section 3 states : Where work of construction , repair , maintenance or demolition or any other work is done on or in relation to premises , any duty of care owed , because of the doing of the work , to persons who might reasonably be expected to be affected by defects in the state of the premises created by the doing of the work shall not be abated by subsequent disposal of the premises by the person who owed the duty .
28 The implied covenant for quiet enjoyment is not an absolute covenant protecting a tenant against eviction or interference by anybody , but is a qualified covenant protecting the tenant against interference with the tenant 's quiet and peaceful possession and enjoyment of the premises by the landlord or persons claiming through or under the landlord .
29 Second , the political response to a rapid deterioration in the economy implies a greater probability of a coup d'état or a battening down of the hatches by the government .
30 In turn , as pointed out earlier , British domination contributed to the underdevelopment of the colonies by the drain of surpluses , destruction of indigenous industries , and other means .
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