Example sentences of "of [art] [noun pl] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The British themselves at the end of the talks conceded the pre-eminence of the Standing Group .
2 The official report of the Games described the scores only in terms of points .
3 Initially , the income effect of the taxes makes the individual ‘ buy ’ less of all normal goods including leisure .
4 The judge said that the severity of the sentences reflected the fact that the soldiers ambushed had been armed only with spades .
5 Local Government Minister , David Hunt , met Tory Councillors in the trouble-torn West Oxfordshire constituency today in an attempt to some of the fears surrounding the Poll Tax .
6 Carr-Saunders and Wilson in their classic study of the professions endorsed the altruistic model :
7 Many of the nationalists abandoned the hopes of a popular movement , and in subsequent years came to rely upon forces other than popular struggle : Bismarck and the rulers of Prussia , and the House of Savoy .
8 But the latest TV version of the stories has the 80 year old author fuming .
9 The more highly convicted and at-risk profile of the AEC sample was also reflected by the fact that whereas nationally as many as 80 per cent of the persons commencing probation in 1988 had no additional requirements made to their probation orders , only six per cent of the probationers undertaking the AEC received this traditional type of probation order from the courts .
10 Indeed it is necessary after their names to state the electoral number including the electoral letter of each of the persons signing the paper .
11 The objective of the persons doing the convincing is to ‘ sell ’ their ideas to others .
12 Give the names of the persons making the valuation or particulars of their qualifications , together with the bases of valuation .
13 By March 1987 the UK had applied to the Commission for a delay until 1989 for all areas where , on a random survey , more than 2.5 per cent of the properties showed the MAC was exceeded .
14 I thought that he was already a man when I was born , that he had seen me growing up , and I thought of the strange , sad , frightening creatures who haunted the borders of the woods watching the children play .
15 One of the problems facing the new Manager was that of renewing the tramcar fleet .
16 However , many professional planners are also convinced that Green Belt restrictions are partly responsible for many of the problems facing the south east such as housing land shortages , rocketing house prices , loss of employment opportunities in rural areas , and labour immobility .
17 Financial considerations proved to be only one of the problems facing the Partnerships , the other major constraint relating to the question of management .
18 The reader will have noticed interesting and contradictory differences of detail between the accounts of Hancock and Rees , which have not been resolved — typical of the problems facing the latter-day historian !
19 Ironically , one of the problems facing the new agency was , literally , on the doorstep .
20 To be taken seriously , you will have to demonstrate an understanding of the problems facing the specialty you want to work in , and be able to communicate sound ideas for progress .
21 These brief indications drawn from the literature leave no doubt as to the scale of the problems facing the Labour government elected in a landslide victory in 1945 .
22 Czartoryski 's Goluchow is a good example of the problems facing the altruistic grandee .
23 Clearly it is vital to recruit more men or take account of the problems facing the married woman who wants to return to work .
24 Lukacs 's adumbration of the problems facing the socialist realist writer , his examination of three tendencies within realism — bourgeois critical realism , socialist realism as a theoretical potentiality , and socialist realism as a Stalinist corruption ( socialist naturalism ) — set the agenda for an analysis of Nizan 's work .
25 One of the problems facing the very small builder is lack of time and accounting expertise .
26 The common concern with access and resources often disguised quite different assumptions about the nature of the problems facing the working class and the means to resolve them .
27 It is obvious from the above comments that many of the problems facing the working-class in Northern Ireland are similar to those found elsewhere .
28 The export ban because of BSE is just one of the problems facing the Hereford cattlemen .
29 Trade union chiefs in the region yesterday claimed Government policies were a direct cause of the problems facing the economy of Yorkshire and Humberside .
30 That is one of the problems exercising the mind of the socially striving Hyacinth Bucket ( pronounced Bouquet ) in the new BBC video compilation from Keeping Up Appearances .
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