Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 This was not to deny the importance of technical education for the prospective tradesman , but he would be ‘ unsafe ’ unless this was supplemented by a training which allowed him ‘ to adapt himself to new conditions ’ .
2 But it is worth noting also that Scotland has had a relatively strong tradition of technical education for the last century , in contrast to the rather patchy developments south of the border ( Argles 1964 ) .
3 There must be reasonable assurance of technical support for the duration of the project , which is expected to take up to ten years : ideally , written guarantees or other contractual commitments should be provided .
4 These have now been laid down by the UKCC in its Code of Professional Conduct for the Nurse , Midwife and Health Visitor .
5 Similar stations were established by other colonizing powers , and , along with colonial geological surveys , provided an important source of professional employment for the growing number of trained European scientists .
6 Using a combination of research methods , including analysis of statistical source material and planning documents , a questionaire survey of low-income households in the four major towns of the province ( Liberia , Nicoya , Canas and Santa Cruz ) , and in depth semi-structured interviews with a sub-sample of respondents , the investigation intends to discover why certain groups and/or individuals have moved locally , to examine the implications of female-dominated migration for the evolution of labour markets in Guanacastle 's growing towns , and to evaluate the impact of the above on the household structures and survival strategies of the urban poor .
7 The common ground Chamerovzow sketched out was a commitment to working for the importation of free-labour cotton for the Lancashire mills and a shared desire to isolate American churchmen who were not firmly antislavery .
8 An added form of membership of the ERM that was soft in all three ways would give its adherents greater discretionary use of monetary policy for the purposes of managing their economies .
9 Hadj Nasser , a former director of monetary policy for the presidency , replaced Badereddine Nouioua as director of the Central Bank of Algeria on Oct. 18 , 1989 , promising to fight inflation and to " reunify " the dinar exchange rate .
10 Both formal ( e.g. the mass media and educational systems ) and informal institutions are central to this stage , creating a sense of regional membership for the inhabitants :
11 The focus of the inter-war depression in Scotland , the Northern Region and Wales is universally attributed to specialization in a narrow band of declining industries , and these areas were identified as the principal target of regional policy for the subsequent decades .
12 In a year of economic gloom for the car industry , it was a spectacular success .
13 When the system appears to be malfunctional , usually at times of economic difficulty for the country , some commentators identify such inherent problems as providing at least a partial explanation for the system 's poor showing .
14 The big industrial company , says Mr Chandler , has been the engine of economic growth for the past 100 years , and will continue to be so for the next 100 .
15 A register is a statutory designated body that is a basis for designating liability , and a list is a source of administrative efficiency for the use of the local authority .
16 Maxton , no less than Paton or Brockway , realised the dangers of complete isolation for the ILP .
17 ‘ Splendid idea of yours , getting in a bit of advance practice for the season .
18 The Last Of The Mohicans has romance and Lewis ' bare torso for the girls and action and Stowe 's wind-blown hair for the boys , history and literature for the high-brows and yards of bloody violence for the yobs .
19 An abdication , on the other hand , would prove impossible to reconcile with the realities of political responsibility for the NHS .
20 However , the essential dynamics of political accountability for the NHS will not change .
21 But he is taking one major step forward today , and that is a step towards the cliff of political oblivion for the Conservative party in Scotland .
22 The Councils could never rid themselves of their reputation as just another manifestation of Political Dissent for the simple reason that the charge was essentially true .
23 An area of defensiveness is around the Labour Party because that 's been one of my main arenas of political activity for the last eight , nine years or so .
24 The research examines the relationships between objective consumer conditions , mass perceptions of the economy and levels of political support for the major political parties
25 He said Hong Kong could face a ‘ period of political siege for the next four years followed by an abrupt transition to a harsher and more repressive regime . ’
26 In the 1850s a new electoral system with a complex arrangement for the election of an electoral college for each social class further downgraded the possibility of political intervention for the Poles .
27 Because one of President Nicolae Ceausescu 's many titles is that of chairman of the National Defence Council , and his brother , General Ilie Ceausescu , is head of political administration for the forces , the loyalty of the high command may not be in doubt , but morale in the ranks is low .
28 The Romanian leader 's brother , Lieutenant General Ilie Ceausescu , a deputy defence minister and head of political administration for the armed forces , has been closely concerned with the presentation of the historical case and has unhesitatingly attacked the Hungarians in several articles published in the Romanian press .
29 Goibniu was still studying the drawings and thinking that Reflection , greedy creature , would surely not be able to resist them and that it might n't be a bad idea to revive the ancient traditional dish of roast Gnome for the wedding feast , which would save them having to pay the Gnomes anything .
30 The bishop followed up this preliminary scorching with a promise of eternal fire for the abbot of Glastonbury , upon whom he pronounced sentence of excommunication for the sin of damaging his property .
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