Example sentences of "of [verb] they [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Three children in the North-east were taken into care and their parents and other adults were charged and found guilty of using them sexually in their rituals .
2 There are not enough — but it is absurd that , under present arrangements , they and others with specialisms have almost no chance of using them directly with other teachers or with children .
3 Instead of seeing them individually in the privacy of his study , he arranged regular ‘ Sharing Jesus ’ evenings to which the baptism families and wedding couples were invited .
4 They are ongoing in that they are still at an early stage and in that the process of applying them right across the whole of the NHS will take several years-probably up to the end of the century .
5 Also , with Bush committed to opposing both bills , Republicans in Congress were anxious to enable him to avoid the political embarrassment of vetoing them just before the presidential election .
6 If Laura noticed any of her staff wearing clothes in a poor state of repair she would look into that person 's wages and family circumstances and see if there was a way of paying them more without upsetting the hierarchy .
7 Their farms produce some excellent things — first-class olive oil , plenty of good fruit and vegetables , a short but growing list of wines a Frenchman might be persuaded to drink — but Greece has not yet found a way of selling them abroad on a large scale .
8 Factors include : what the children themselves want — how much weight is given to their wishes depends on their age and level of understanding ; their physical , emotional and educational needs ; the possible harmful effect of moving them away from where they 're settled ; which of you is more capable ( financially , emotionally , practically ) of meeting their needs .
9 Another criticism of this study is that the authors only differentiated very generally between first and second generation Asian and Afro-Caribbeans without discussing the implications of mixing them together in the study , potentially masking important differences in the rates of schizophrenia between the two , and leaving an unclear picture as to whether second generation Asians , who were in the minority , benefited in the same way from the postulated protective factors .
10 The Fanatics are the real weapon , the Mob is just a means of deploying them close to the enemy lines .
11 The object of the authoring tool is to make it possible for the user to concentrate just on the information and design requirements of an application rather being diverted and befogged by the technical problems of putting them together in a system that works .
12 This is largely the result of a dramatic increase in the level of reported and detected crime over the same period , though it also reflects decisions by the police and prosecuting authorities to deal with such offenders by means of prosecuting them instead of cautioning them or taking no further action .
13 Or instead of washing them away down my mythical hillside , I could give them a decent burial in a sod of cancer graveyard , perhaps with a little cross over it .
14 The company already applies its US parent 's ‘ Earthsense ’ creed which has been spreading its ‘ reduce , re-use and recycle ’ message for several years ( thousands of US freshmen are not given an Earthsense re-usable beaker at the beginning of their college careers in the hope of steering them away from disposables ) .
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