Example sentences of "of [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His tale ( Off Piste ) of salvaging a dismal winter season with a superb day in April will arouse the jealousy of many a jaded ice-man of late .
2 With most of its inhabitants either dead or financially ruined by the eruption , there was no hope at all of salvaging the buried town , and it was abandoned .
3 The truth is , that the whole long history of religion is littered with evidence that it is this very failure continually to revise , supplement and , where necessary to ruthlessly reject the scriptures , that has brought about , in this late twentieth century , some of obvious that there can be no real hope of salvaging the old order .
4 The glaring difficulties of attaching an imagistic label to minimalist/formal of conceptual artists such as Serra , Anselmo , Sonnier , Nauman , Morris and Long are ignored .
5 The programmes of those early years explored the whole range of possibilities offered by civil nuclear power and paved the way for the growth of a domestic industry capable of mastering the entire fuel cycle from the mine through enrichment to reprocessing .
6 Kenneth Baker echoed the views of most MPs in a Commons debate in 1990 : ‘ If the concept of British justice is to mean anything , we must retain the possibility of rectifying a mistaken verdict .
7 Builders must finish the job in a proper and workmanlike fashion and must use suitable materials — you have a claim if these principles are not adhered to , and if you can establish shoddy or negligent work it is possible that the courts will award damages for inconvenience caused in addition to the cost of rectifying the initial problem .
8 Tact is the skill of handling a difficult person or situation without giving offence .
9 They may construct artificial representations of a fixed reality at any one point of time as a means of handling the continuous flow of social change , but these are simply data for the social scientist and not to be taken at face value .
10 The lifelong speciality of handling the same tool becomes the lifelong speciality of serving the same machine … .
11 The goal is a practical , affordable and manufacturable diamond multichip module capable of handling the thermal management problems of current and next-generation high-power microprocessors , which increasingly exhibit the properties of furnaces and microwave ovens .
12 The goal is a practical , affordable and manufacturable diamond multichip module capable of handling the thermal management problems of current and next-generation high-power microprocessors , which increasingly exhibit the properties of furnaces and microwave ovens .
13 Consider , for example , the criticisms of transformations by Bresnan ( 1982 ) as a means of handling the active/passive relationship and her alternative proposals ; on the other hand , Gazdar and his colleagues ( 1985 ) have proposed a completely different framework for handling these relationships .
14 Thus instead of articulating a justificatory art , he chooses to question the myth of art itself . ’
15 The chapter on molecular modelling dismisses much of three dimensional molecular visualisation with the comment , ‘ Besides the trivial operation of rotating the whole structure or selected substructures around a given bond ’ , and goes on to discuss comparison of molecular structures .
16 For them there is a needless , lifelong fear of encountering a strange cat , a fear that sometimes ends with them refusing to go out of doors at all .
17 The government accused Escobar of masterminding a double car bombing in Bogota on Monday which killed four people and injured dozens more .
18 His health continued to decline and within two years of masterminding the Liberal victory at the 1892 general election , so enabling W. E. Gladstone to form his fourth ministry , he resigned all his offices with the party .
19 The difficulty of rooting the universal tree of life using protein trees is also emphasized by our recent analysis of glutamate dehydrogenase phylogeny .
20 Although all this was entertainingly unpleasant , in Bira the most genuine threat to our lives came disguised in the quietest way , when we broke the cardinal rule of touching an unidentified creature .
21 The development of chaffinch song is most obviously classified as non-associative learning , because the bird learns its song by comparing it with a template rather than because of any consequence of singing a better chaffinch song .
22 First of all , there have been important advances in experimental methods : single cell recordings with exquisitely fine electrodes ; novel methods of imaging the internal structure of neurons and the connections between them ; cell culture techniques permitting the growth and development of nervous systems to be studied in great detail ; and sophisticated computational and statistical analysis of data permitting better mathematical modelling of large and small scale events in the nervous system and its functional connections .
23 But why should any western power go to the trouble of administering a third world country when these can simply be milked dry ?
24 Once the land had been expropriated , it was to be turned into cooperatives but , because the government felt it would be difficult for peasants , who had had no previous experience of administering a large farm , to move straight to a cooperative , there was an intermediary stage .
25 Nevertheless , he was discharged at the preliminary inquiry on charges of administering a noxious substance , namely semen , and committing a common nuisance .
26 ( The offence would be one of administering a noxious thing with intent to injure or annoy contrary to s.24 of the OAPA . )
27 There are also problems with this definition of " inflict " in s.20 with regard to s.23 of the same Act , which creates the offence of administering a noxious thing " … so as thereby to inflict … any grievous bodily harm …
28 As we have seen ( Chapter 3 ) , Cunningham [ 1957 ] 2 QB 396 held that on a charge of administering a noxious thing under s.23 of the OAPA recklessness was defined as : did the accused himself foresee the consequence ?
29 ‘ They do not have the responsibility of administering a cash-starved council . ’
30 ‘ Pulling into a thirty-five-foot tube would be as close to a cosmic experience as you can get , short of surfing the Milky Way .
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