Example sentences of "of [verb] [pron] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Wonderful song still goes down as good as ever and I have to say we still get the same buzz out of singing it every night .
2 He seemed greatly recovered , and resigned to the idea of using what the church so obligingly had offered .
3 The court gave effect to this clause , stating that the parties should have considered the potential difficulties of using what the court called " a single alternative dispute resolution process " for all disputes under the contract before making their contract .
4 And finally Mr chairman on this point , we did in fact do some checking to see the sense of using what the county planning committee had recommended to the H er Highways and Transport Committee that they should regard the six five eight , A five nine one as the correct link to the A one .
5 His almost pathological dread of producing a legato line means that instead of drawing us a picture of clear , flowing melodies he leaves little join-up-the-dots type sketches with the notes separated from each other by wide open spaces which even the generous resonance of St Peter 's , Waltrop ( near Dortmund ) can not adequately fill .
6 One caller accused him of labelling it a hell-hole .
7 Its main ploy for deflecting criticism will be to demonstrate the depth of its respect for the dead man : it is talking of building him a memorial .
8 I fear , however , that in my anxiety to win the support of Mrs Clements and the girls , I did not perhaps assess quite as stringently my own limitations ; and although my experience and customary caution in such matters prevented my giving myself more than I could actually carry out , I was perhaps negligent over this question of allowing myself a margin .
9 Nor had Innocent any intention of allowing himself the humiliation of Lateran I where the council defeated the pope .
10 No costs are allowed after receipt of such notice of proving anything the admission renders it unnecessary to prove ( Ord 9 , r 16 ) .
11 I expect somebody might of given him a lift up , I do n't know .
12 You could of given me a little bit more room .
13 Anyway , this somebody must of given her the idea , I think it was our local doctor oh you 'll be alright you know , you have to have to have them in forty eight hours you see so
14 He met her incredulous stare blandly , for all the world as if he had no recollection whatsoever of bringing her the Palmer & Pearson file outside the office , of discussing the Norwood & Chambers contract outside the office , of his threats in relation to her job outside the office .
15 In the absence of marketing and production systems capable of producing what the consumer wants , both have had to engage in a ‘ hard sell ’ of that range of rather standardized services actually on offer .
16 have a read of things and then on the basis of what your informants tell you then you can sort of focus it a bit more on erm tt you know the stuff that er erm you know the stuff that comes out in the literature that 's particularly
17 What kind of citizens charter is introduced on the back of denying you the right to even challenge the people who are providing the services , or could restrict the right of your family to be together , or the right for you to travel to the country where you 've been living ?
18 For one way of denying someone the respect to which he is entitled is by failing to treat him as an autonomous agent , for example , by unreasonably restricting the range of alternative courses of action from which he can choose .
19 The Epitome or Gaius ' Institutes still distinguishes between legacies and trusts , and even goes to the trouble of explaining what the difference is .
20 Individuals have a right to some independence , and areas of choice in their style of living whatever the degree of their eventual infirmity .
21 After the fight with the beggars he had left the sack with Allen and Marian because it had seemed to him an ingenious way of saving himself the trouble of carrying it to Simon 's hut and back again while at the same time it was a guarantee that the children would remain until he returned .
22 So with it being another student union and it being like a conference in aid of the homeless and that , I did n't really want to sort of give them a load of grief so I suggested about sixty pounds .
23 So i i if you can er give me the background if I ask you to sort of give me a bit of background for the case , I 'll write it up here , and I 'll write down the solutions and see what , see what you 've done .
24 Er , er , are you going to sort of give me a timetable that I can read through to the phone and that it 's not booked up
25 We well ca n't you sort of give us an idea of what it 's about , the words and things you know and
26 Right the idea of this little chat this briefing before we go out and do the er driving assessments next week is just to sort of give you an idea and a and a bit of an inroad into what we 're looking at and what we 'll be doing next week .
27 Can you sort of give it a sweep ?
28 What is called ‘ any benefit , or even any legal possibility of benefit , ’ in Mr. Smith 's notes to Cumber v. Wane , is not ( as I conceive ) that sort of benefit which a creditor may derive from getting payment of part of the money due to him from a debtor who might otherwise keep him at arm 's length , or possibly become insolvent , but is some independent benefit , actual or contingent , of a kind which might in law be a good and valuable consideration for any other sort of agreement not under seal .
29 He leaves the questions of defining what a group is , and of how it acquires the capacity for influencing the mental life of the individual , until later .
30 on that to sort of show you the power of the system we were just using to erm The obvious thing to do is to label every area of the diagram , and do n't forget they do sometimes say , Seven were not interested in
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