Example sentences of "of [verb] [noun] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time I had an opportunity of seeing Barbara at work in detailed negotiations , and whatever small credit attached to me for the major idea , the scale and ingenuity that she expended on the detail and in making it possible to arrive at a suitable settlement was beyond praise .
2 To study the benefits of downsizing a corporate information system , Sun Microsystems France has set up a ‘ club de reflexion ’ of approximately 40 French directors of information technology , says Eric Saillard , manager of rightsizing marketing at Sun 's French subsidiary .
3 The MoD has ‘ no intention ’ of contacting individuals at present .
4 Some organisations that face a pronounced seasonal pattern in their activities ( for example , those whose activities included the provision of catering facilities at summer sporting events ) supplement this managerial supervisory core with other staff hired on a seasonal basis [ see Chapter 7 below ] , but this practice is relatively unusual .
5 While criticising the " too tenacious traditions of a unitarian state " , he also singled out for criticism individual regional leaders whom he accused of adopting laws at variance with those of the Russian Federation ( RF ) .
6 You need a broad level of climbing experience at home and abroad at E1 standard — the first level of extreme climbing .
7 Employee relations manager George Piechniczek said : ‘ This sensitive issue has been extensively debated over the last few years and whilst the trade unions support the principle of protecting non-smokers at work , it has proved difficult to find a practical solution that satisfied all parties . ’
8 Scattered all over his territories were 738,000 Japanese ; in theory a defeated army but in most cases still armed and either potentially dangerous or the only organized force capable of keeping chaos at bay .
9 The reason for this seems to be that the opportunity cost of keeping boys at school when they could go out to work is greater than for girls , especially for poor rural families .
10 The Electronic Industry Development Association wants the government to meet some of the cost of retraining and of keeping workers at home , under a Labour Ministry plan set up to help prevent lay-offs .
11 Alternatively , to avoid this people come to feel omnipotent which is but a short step from wreaking the kind of destruction that offers little hope of remaking life at work anew .
12 To that end we have a duty to examine all possible means at our disposal of saving life at sea . ’
13 Some problems of measuring performance at work
14 To provide a means of measuring time at night the Egyptians also invented the water-clock , or ‘ clepsydra ’ as the Greeks later called it .
15 ‘ Both John Emburey and Phil Tufnell have not bowled as well as they can but they must be given the opportunity to bowl more on these kind of turning pitches at home .
16 Standards will represent a new way of describing performance at work and will enable organisations to identify and match peoples ' needs more effectively to the requirements of industry in a constantly changing world .
17 For the dedicated , long-term researcher An Agricultural Atlas of England and Wales by J.T. Coppock ( London , reprint 1982 ) is useful , and a further basic work is the Phillimore Atlas and Index of Parish Registers by Cecil Humphery-Smith ( Chichester 1984 ) , composed mainly of ‘ genealogical maps ‘ of the pre-1832 parishes on a county-by-county basis , topographical maps from Bell 's Gazetteer of 1834 , and a 283-page index of deposited registers at county and public record offices , plus copies noted in Boyd 's marriage , Pallot 's marriage , and other lists .
18 That thinking was still cast in the mould of a hundred years before ; the methods of conducting war at sea were still those of blockade , commerce-destroying and protection , and still depended ultimately on the ability to win a pitched gun-battle with the enemy fleet .
19 He is assisted by a technical director , Allan Cook , formerly head of accounting research at Shell , and seven other members .
20 Indeed , talk to any manager and he or she already has common-sense theories of motivation , often built up over long periods of observing people at work .
21 ‘ The mission of defending and articulating the interests of undeserving populations at risk takes on more importance as the social services in the welfare state become universal ’ ( Kramer , 1981 , p. 261 ) .
22 ‘ The wisdom of pricing gas at parity with imported oil has thus been officially recognised for the first time in Pakistan , despite being electorally unpopular .
23 This marks a significant step in oil import replacement for Pakistan and the new policy of pricing gas at parity with oil provides an incentive for further exploration by the petroleum industry .
24 ‘ At least I can watch the telly as I train — although it 's hard breaking the racing routine of having breakfast at lunchtime and your main meal at tea time . ’
25 Figure 8.13 shows the national averages for various ways of taking meals at school .
26 Or the sixteen per cent who are confirmed , or the five per cent who take the trouble to obtain and return a completed electoral roll form , or the four per cent who fulfil a basic ‘ membership ’ requirement of taking communion at Easter ? ( 1979 figures ) .
27 He had the gift of improvising verses at will to any given theme .
28 The overwhelming body of evidence for Britain and the United States is that such ties are maintained after marriage and that this is not simply a matter of recognizing connections at Christmas and birthdays plus occasional visits or telephone conversations .
29 He and Shinwell had told the Central Authority at their first meeting in September 1947 that , while general price rises could be ruled out , they were prepared to look at the possibility of controlling demand at peak times by differentially higher prices for peak use or by mechanical load-restricting devices .
30 Toby Bourne , a London eighteen year-old , was shocked when his C grade in A level French last summer put paid to his chances of reading French at university — he had been expected to do well .
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