Example sentences of "of [noun] have [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 She raised troubled eyes to her sister , and for the first time Claudia saw a glimpse of the Dana she had been before ambition and the love of money had taken over her life .
2 This latter business was undertaken in the most difficult financial circumstances and , even after the newly founded Bank of England had taken over from Herne , it was his credit that kept the artillery train in Flanders from starving late in 1694 .
3 This sense of deprivation has spilled over into civil conflict or war a sufficient number of times for it to be a continuing threat , or an on-going reality as in Chad , Sudan , Ethiopia , Burundi , Uganda and Somalia .
4 To make it profitable to grow wood , the state of Gujarat , where thousands of farmers have turned over good irrigated land to tree farming , has even proposed to build generating stations fuelled with wood .
5 I would hate to have to tell him that a new type of gentleman has taken over the clubs and boardrooms , a man who does not consider dishonesty the property of the criminal classes and who , moreover , believes that the notion of the gentleman is negotiable .
6 It was announced on May 9 that the government of Byelarus had taken over the former Soviet troops in the Byelorussian Military District .
7 I mean , that 's why a lot of people have gone over to recycled erm toilet rolls because fancy cutting down trees just for that !
8 The Hand of Gooch has taken over from the Hand of God Maradona 's — in sporting legend .
9 Presentation of the results of evaluation has proved over and over again , in Oxford Polytechnic 's experience , to be one of the most critical variables in determining whether appropriate change is produced .
10 If the Hindus and Sikhs of Punjab have taken over the concept of Izzat from the Muslims , the Muslims and Sikhs have adopted the dowry system from the Hindus .
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