Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] which [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You could buy salmon , which I suspect could have come from the King 's Reach skirting Balmoral ) for 2/6d a pound ; and there was no dearth of whisky for which I had yet to acquire a taste .
2 Under the " once-and-for-all " test what matters is that the income can be used to benefit the individual in question in the year of assessment in which it arises , and it does not matter if it is not possible so to apply that income in a subsequent year of assessment .
3 In subsequent correspondence Technical Division were asked to confirm that the timing of the provision of the benefit to the non-resident or non-domiciled beneficiary was irrelevant , ie that it did not matter whether the income in question was paid to him in the year of assessment in which it arose or in a subsequent year , but Technical Division refused to confirm that this was the case on the grounds that the actual circumstances of particular cases tended to vary so widely that they felt unable to answer the question without more details .
4 But language and interpretation assume a structure of values of which they form a part .
5 Its vision for society is that of a reconstituted pre-industrial kind of community in which everyone knows who they are , what is expected of them and the kind of values by which they are to live .
6 Growth of the larva is interrupted during moulting by periods of lethargus in which it neither feeds nor moves .
7 Although on average it cropped up only once an hour , there appeared to be semantic restrictions on the type of verb with which it occurred ; in the majority of cases it occurred with dynamic verbs of activity , the most frequent being do , make , finish , write .
8 This is highlighted in Gittins 's ( 1986 ) study of a Devon town in the years 1850–1930 , where she argues that relationships with kin were more important than marriage for the women in terms of the structures of support within which they were engaged .
9 As far as local government is concerned the extent and direction of change to which it has been subject since the 1960s are difficult to explain mainly in terms of the state itself .
10 Speaking to the Central Committee later in the year , Medvedev accepted that the process of change in which they were engaged might be complex and even alarming .
11 In this book authorities are said to be limited also by the kinds of reasons on which they may or may not rely in making decisions and issuing directives , and by the kind of reasons their decisions can pre-empt .
12 The pre-emption thesis will be readily accepted inasmuch as it concerns successful authoritative directives , i.e. those which correctly reflect the balance of reasons on which they depend .
13 Notice that a dependent reason is not one which does in fact reflect the balance of reasons on which it depends : it is one which is meant to do so .
14 George Orwell has a fascinating essay on this subject called The Decline of the English Murder , the title also of the paperback collection of essays in which it appears .
15 The basic cutting is a whole leaf , together with the short section of stem to which it is attached and the bud at its base .
16 Another kind developed in which the elaborated worm did not attach itself to the sea floor but continued to crawl about and secreted a small conical tent of shell under which it could huddle when in danger .
17 Following a series of projects in which it has been shown that mills and large warehouses may satisfactorily be converted into dwellings , some interest has been shown in the possibility of treating redundant factories similarly .
18 They amassed shells , English portraits , Indian miniatures , blue-and-white china and artists ' letters with the same degree of expertise with which they collected pictures , drawings and prints .
19 I am writing to acknowledge safe receipt of the Branch donation of £250 for which we are extremely grateful .
20 At the same time they remained , as we all remain , implicated in other kinds of discrimination of which they and we , originally and subsequently , are the agents rather than the victims , or maybe both agents and victims .
21 But whether Rider Haggard wanted to move his mysterious veiled woman somewhat further from the realm of allegory near which she certainly appeared to reside in She and Ayesha , or whether he was merely exercising the husbandry of a writer who had created in Quatermain a remarkably useful narrator and wanted to make the fullest use of him , the fact remains that the ‘ She ’ of She and Allan is more shrewdly realised as a woman than in the two preceding books , even if her self- centred mysticism is still as grandiose and woolly as it was .
22 The problem with this reasoning is that even if we accept the narrow definition of freedom on which it relies , a system of private property , and in particular private ownership of productive assets , is not the only property system that is capable of bringing about the required dispersal of control over material goods .
23 for Maxse , Bridgeman , and the great majority of Conservatives between 1906 and 1910 , the party , if it was to be popular , needed to embrace tariff reform and the gamut of policies with which it was linked , such as social reform and land reform .
24 In the very book of Malachi from which he derived the understanding of his own mission to prepare the way of the Lord , he would have read of fire both burning up evil-doers and also refining and purifying the faithful like a refiner 's fire ( Mal. 4 : If , 3:1–4 ) .
25 He considers that many occurrences of phenomena to which we give diverse names like UFOs , ghosts , will-o-the-wisps , and apparitions of various sorts , may all be manifestations of earth lights .
26 a concept which has always been in complicity with a teleological and eschatological metaphysics , in other words , paradoxically , in complicity with that philosophy of presence to which it was believed history could be opposed .
27 The frequent absence of any overt reference to ‘ race ’ or hierarchy is an important characteristic of the new types of racism with which we have to deal .
28 ‘ Nevertheless the fact remains that disciplinary action against officials who may have exceeded their duties or wilfully abused the position of responsibility with which they have been entrusted is a purely internal matter which will be carried out , should the situation warrant it , by the appropriate authorities at the appropriate time .
29 said : ‘ This court has on numerous occasions held that the effect of Ord. 29 , r. 1(5) of the County Court Rules 1981 is that the contemnor must be personally served with a properly drafted notice which recites in clear and unambiguous detail the following : ( 1 ) the order of the court or undertaking given to the court in respect of which he has been found in breach ; ( 2 ) the respects in which it is alleged that he has been in breach ; ( 3 ) the findings of the judge as to the alleged breaches ; ( 4 ) the period of committal to which he has been sentenced and ( 5 ) that he may apply to the court to purge his contempt and seek his release .
30 This code is machine specific ; that is , it will run only on the type of computer for which it was written .
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