Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 There was a deal of euphoria after the first night , the success of the missions , a certain element of surprise , but I did say at that time that we 'd be foolish to lower our guard , because erm there was still a lot of work to do , and that is exactly what it 's turning out to be , and we 're going for his military installations , and he 's got a lot of them , and it 's a wearing down process .
2 One national newspaper is offering a bottle of champagne for the first reader who can give more information about Norma 's former boyfriend .
3 As an example of the geographical comparison of normal patterns we can compare the relative incidence of coins of the first two centuries AD in two different areas such as Britain and Italy .
4 The Act stated that other schemes could be formed from the schedule of twelve by advancing or postponing the day of payment of the first instalment , provided that the first payment was not made sooner than the eleventh day , and that not more than one penny per pound was added to the interest for every thirteen days of such postponement .
5 Pressnell suggests that only a brilliant speech by Keynes prevented its rejection in the Lords.The loan was damaging to British pride , while among its terms the insistence on sterling convertibility within a year of payment of the first instalment was particularly ominous .
6 It 's no more astonishing than was the growth of industrialisation in the first place .
7 Time zero is the time of admission to the first hospital .
8 I was lucky to be given a great deal of freedom with the first draft .
9 L M Ericsson Telefon AB says it signed a number of contracts during the first quarter of 1993 totalling $30m for AXE digital switching kit to extend the public telecommunications network in Liaoning Province , Peoples Republic of China .
10 OIL production by member states of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries dropped 900,000 barrels a day to 23.5m last month but remains well above the cartel 's target level of 22.9m for the first half , the International Energy Agency has said .
11 Today the express coach has much the same sort of function In the first years of the century the number of interurbans grew rapidly .
12 THE regeneration of Drumchapel , one of Glasgow 's notorious peripheral housing estates , took a big step forward yesterday with the start of building on the first rented homes to be erected in the area for 35 years .
13 The Kadets had won the largest block of deputies to the First Duma , they had enjoyed the spectacle of leading figures in the government sounding them out on the terms on which they would enter the cabinet ; power seemed almost within their grasp .
14 A year so er from the first of March to the first of October you can use the but after
15 King Fahd of Saudi Arabia visited Baghdad at the end of March for the first visit by a Saudi monarch since Iraq 's Baathist revolution of 1968 .
16 Terry Baughan , the financial director for both the Virgin Group and the airline , revealed that the airline had incurred a trading loss of £514,000 for the first three weeks of operation .
17 And , as his administration staggered through its winter of discontent in the first two months of 1979 , Callaghan 's famed skills as a crisis-manager seemed to desert him .
18 Cats ' alert : Fire caused at least £10,000 of damage to the first floor of a house in Pannal Avenue , Whinney Banks , Middlesbrough last night .
19 Even the bookmakers lost faith in the world champion who began the event without the status of favourite for the first time in three years .
20 Six specialist workers obtained a total of £306,794 in the first four months of operation of the full scheme in 1985 .
21 All this raises the question of why the Reagan administration wants to quit the business of satellites in the first place .
22 Do so can not be replaced by a ‘ copy ’ of part of the first clause .
23 We 've seen that with the City technology colleges , which are nobody talks about , surprisingly enough , when we 've discovered that actually industry is n't remotely interested in them , and of course in the first year of an opted out school one might see a bit of palm crossing with silver .
24 Libra Bank , the London-based consortium bank which trades in third world debts , plunged to a pre-tax loss of £174.6m in the first half of 1989 from profits last time of £10.9m .
25 ‘ A share is the interest of a shareholder in the company measured by a sum of money , for the purpose of liability in the first place , and of interest in the second , but also consisting of a series of mutual covenants entered into by all the shareholders inter se in accordance with [ section 14 ] .
26 Of birds for the first time ever heard ,
27 BERNHARD LANGER , his golf as meticulous as his preparation , added the virtue of patience in the first round of the Masters at Augusta National yesterday .
28 The gonococcus , a micro-biological master of male chauvinism , not only gives virtually no clues as to its presence in an infected female , but , should she attend a clinic or specialist for the purposes of diagnosis , it will only reveal itself m-some 50 per cent of cases at the first visit compared to well over 90 per cent of cases in males .
29 Similarly , responses to us in writing within six weeks of referral rose from 25% of cases in the first audit to 60% in the second .
30 Continuing buoyant fish feed demand should result in being ahead of budget in the first half year .
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