Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb -s] as a " in BNC.

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1 In several ways this loss of hope acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy .
2 Like the ‘ language ’ of narrative , the ‘ language ’ of literature serves as a source of stereotypes and models which provide ready-made explanations and prevent people from analysing the specificity of the world around them .
3 By 1676 it was part of the main Oxford to Coventry road and of course remains as a major trunk road today .
4 The dependence/independence continuum in the model of living serves as a reminder that all people experience change of dependence/independence status for the Activities of Living in the normal course of the lifespan .
5 The use of investment limits as a central control mechanism of multi-divisional firms is widespread .
6 As we saw back in section 12.5 , the building-up of reserves counts as a deficit ( an outflow from the balance of payments account to the reserves account ) .
7 The city has more Chartered Designers working within the city boundary than the rest of Scotland has as a whole .
8 In Masterman 's view , the Battle of Orgreave stands as a salutary reminder that ‘ what is omitted from television 's agenda can not easily enter the general consciousness and that the control of information , whether it takes a brutal or sophisticated form , is the very cornerstone of political power ’ ( ibid.:108 ) .
9 This lack of vocabulary acts as a further barrier to discussing code switching in any detail with linguistically naive members of the community .
10 The sensitivity of the graphite industry to international demand may be illustrated by the sharp fluctuations in the value of graphite exports as a proportion of the value of rice imports : in 1890 this proportion was eighteen per cent , by 1895 it had fallen to seven per cent , but in the boom year of 1899 it soared to sixty per cent .
11 A further piece of chipboard acts as a fascia to disguise the ceiling fixtures
12 An action for breach of confidence acts as a further incentive to prevent the company or an individual on his own account from breaching Chinese Walls .
13 This image of copulation serves as a linguistic act of ‘ insemination ’ which initiates a period of gestation and provokes a reference to giving birth toward the end of the chapter .
14 He sanctioned the use of cash limits as a means of control .
15 These exclusions have restricted the overall effectiveness of cash limits as a device for controlling public expenditure .
16 There is every reason to suppose that this loss of predictability occurs as a property of the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations , although these equations contain the determinism of classical mechanics .
17 The drop of water acts as a lens .
18 His larger-than-life statue with its slightly oriental cast of features serves as a warning that you are approaching the junk food area .
19 The writer of this book has to confess that so far he has been so hidebound by tradition that he has not yet brought himself to write key-signatures for the horns , but he admits that the only argument in favour of this is that the lack of signature acts as a guide to the conductor 's eye in spotting the horn parts in the score .
20 In the event , as we have seen , the Layfield Report was published at the high point of the importance of government grants as a proportion of local income .
21 The special attraction of wool is that the presence of lanolin acts as a powerful unconscious reminder of the mother 's belly .
22 The level of employment rises as a result of the complementary stimulus to the demand for labour afforded by the rise in the demand for commodities and the fall in the real wage rate .
23 The Queen of Beauty serves as a reminder that it can be done .
24 There is little legend attached in early times to the name of Theseus ; and his build-up at this period as a companion and analogue of Herakles seems as a propaganda-figure for the Athenian democracy .
25 A group of students undertakes as a project to produce a video programme .
26 More generally in relation to external dealings , the advantages which the City of London possesses as a major international financial centre were listed by the Wilson Committee : its historical role as centre of the pax Britannica economica ; its geographical position close to Europe and between America and Asia ; the overlap of its working day with those of both Europe and Asia ; political stability ; a high degree of integrity ; a flexible regulatory system ; a concentration of ancillary and cognate services ; and the universality of the English language .
27 In Haiti , the voodoo island of the West Indies , this god of death appears as a lean figure in black top hat , long black tailcoat and dark glasses .
28 The frequent use of metaphor by authors describing the use of citation counts as a basis for value judgements is seen as reflecting the resistance of the citation process to standardisation .
29 Hall ( 1987 ) argues that most regulation is simply added on to existing frameworks ( often as the result of specific frauds or crises ) rather than building up new systems , and that the efficiency of regulation suffers as a result and costs escalate .
30 A kind of numbness acts as a shell against not only death itself , but against all the implications of loss that go with it .
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