Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb -s] the same " in BNC.

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1 It is not obvious to the very young child that a set of objects has the same number of units however those units are arranged ( provided , of , that none are removed or added ) .
2 Honey contains some sucrose as well as glucose and fructose ; 1 teaspoon of honey has the same amount of calories as one teaspoon of sucrose .
3 The other side of Kelling has the same outward-slanting wings , shielding a terrace from which the garden slopes gently away to the wide Norfolk view .
4 The process of feedback follows the same pattern of encoding , signalling and decoding .
5 It can also be shown that this family of solutions has the same singularity structure as the class of Szekeres solutions as described in Section 9.3 and to which it reduces when .
6 The distribution of sites has the same symmetry as the cubic core , but the occupancy of sites by the two subunits is fairly haphazard ( see Figure ) .
7 The current system of vouchers offers the same benefit to all staff , regardless of personal circumstances .
8 Further , it is assumed that units of consumers ' and producers ' surplus can be added and subtracted , i.e. a unit of surplus represents the same quantity of benefit irrespective of whether it accrues to the buyer or seller .
9 To simplify the dynamics of the model , it is usual to assume that the market situation in each period is the same : the same population of firms faces the same market demand with the same cost conditions in each period .
10 A third kind of evidence points the same way : the great collection of canon law known by the mythic name of " Pseudo-Isidore " , the substantial and , despite the inclusion of some forged papal letters , for the most part perfectly genuine residue of the western churches ' institutional life over eight centuries , was produced in the heart of Charles 's kingdom , in the province of Rheims , about 850 .
11 With this theory , exchange rates will adjust so that the same bundle of goods costs the same in all countries .
12 I agree with Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. that the effect of section 8 is to make it clear that a child of 16 or 17 years of age has the same capacity as an adult to consent to surgical medical or dental treatment which would otherwise constitute a trespass .
13 But the job of captain remains the same : you have to work in with the coaches , motivate the players and gain their respect .
14 In some languages the grammatical encoding of topic is so prominent , that it is not clear that the notion of subject has the same purchase as it does in the analysis , for example , of Indo-European languages ( Li & Thompson , 1976 ) .
15 When the rest of Europe reaches the same standards as us , the same rules will apply .
16 For potential solicitors the apprenticeship to an experienced solicitor in the form of articles of clerkship performs the same function .
17 An occupier of premises owes the same duty , the ‘ common duty of care ’ , to all his visitors , except insofar as he is free to and does extend , restrict , modify or exclude his duty to any visitor or visitors by agreement or otherwise .
18 ( c ) Exclusion Section 2(1) states : An occupier of premises owes the same duty , the " common duty of care " to all his visitors , except in so far as he is free to and does extend , restrict , modify or exclude his duty to any visitor or visitors by agreement or otherwise .
19 The thresholds for small companies are increased to not more than £2.8m for turnover and not more than £1.4m for the balance sheet total , although the number of employees remains the same at an average of 50 .
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