Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Turning her head slightly she looked at the cut-glass decanter on the bedside table — it was a little less than half full , which meant that she had drunk three … no , four glasses of whisky at some time during the night .
2 A former cabinet minister , Toshiyuki Inamura , was charged with evading ¥1.7 billion ( $12.6m ) of taxes on some ¥2.8 billion of ill-gotten gains that he made in a shares racket .
3 As the Clean Air Act had left much to state initiative , congressional dissatisfaction with the rate of progress in some states led to the Air Quality Act of 1967 which at last required states to establish air quality standards consistent with federal criteria , and then to devise implementation plans setting out ways of achieving the air quality standards .
4 On the one hand , there is now ample evidence of the existence of significant language patterns which have gone largely unrecorded in centuries of study ; on the other hand there is a dearth of support for some phenomena which are regularly put forward as normal patterns of English .
5 On March 21 , 1991 , proposals that the President should be directly elected , that the voting age should be lowered from 21 to 18 , and that the number of seats in the Grand National Assembly should be increased from 450 to 600 were presented by Özal , in spite of lack of support from some factions within the ANAP .
6 This is proving more taxing , but there have been encouraging signs of support from some people within social services and negotiations are continuing .
7 It did n't prevent him from running a successful office , despite the lack of support from some staff ’ .
8 However , there are signs of change at some levels , because men are now being accepted on to the CARE course , which provides specialist training in how to deal with victims of sex crimes , although this might simply reflect a recognition that an increasing number of victims are young boys .
9 If , as is sometimes done , things are assimilated to events , we can speak of particulars as events , and of the latter as being " temporal " in the sense that every event exhibits a pattern of change in some direction , and can be said to occur simultaneously with , or before , or after , some other event .
10 However , it is true that government policies ( or lack of policies in some areas ) have contributed significantly to our problems and some of the changes that are now in the pipeline will almost certainly make matters worse .
11 Also there is a gradual loss of function of some brain cells which can result in forgetfulness and sometimes confusion .
12 Much of the acreage in this round is closer to the coastline , and as such has many implications in terms of how it could impact upon fish spawning , local bird life , and even the Ministry of Defence in some cases .
13 Stated weekly alcohol intakes of 36 units or more were regarded as excessive , but all cases with high intake had other social or biochemical evidence of damage at some time .
14 Announcing the cut in tax relief , the Chancellor — in defiance of calls from some MPs to abolish mortgage interest relief altogether — said there were no plans to change the £30,000 MIRAS ceiling .
15 There are references to galleries in the deeds of houses in some cases , and date stones and the carved fitted cupboards in the houses provide date references for this period .
16 Passageways were pierced through the walls of houses in some places , and in others they were supported on props along the faces of warehouses and shops , and it was across one of these — a sturdy bridge of timber which was designed to withstand the weight of carts as well as men — that Burun 's party moved without very much opposition from the revellers , most of whom clearly preferred the breadth of the main streets .
17 These general classifications , of course with some cases of overlap , take us some way in the analysis of groups based on a single art or on two or three related arts .
18 But of course to some degree you 've got to decide what you mean by break even in the sense that er how do you actually I mean that
19 Now , of course to some extent the ego gets its sense of reality from the senses , from its direct observation of the world , but not entirely , and the reason for this , Freud thought , was that as children we learned that reality through direct experience is very important , but also through teaching and education from our parents and as a result parental authority represents the demands of reality .
20 SIR — The history of resistance to antimalarial drugs has been accompanied by a parallel move of resistance of some researchers to admit that it may be so .
21 But soon Owen 's erstwhile disciple T. H. Huxley began to question the dinosaurs ' relationships to lizards ; he saw the closeness of birds to some reptiles , and inferred that at least some dinosaurs had gone on two legs rather than four , the Iguanodon among them .
22 Furthermore , the deterioration of visibility in some regions associated with the increased occurrence of regional hazes ( composed of sulphates and nitrates ) reflects the trend of rising emissions from power stations located increasingly outside metropolitan areas .
23 The redistribution of revenue involved would have varied and often unwelcome effects both on the revenue of some local authorities and on the tax burden of employers in some areas .
24 Clever publicity , orchestrated confusion over the equipment involved and a gullible pop industry have conspired to create a wave of enthusiasm in some parts of the press and the music industry .
25 It may happen that the optimal tableau of LPk for some k has for all in a row i containing a structural variable x r and is not integral .
26 The appendix on useful verbs should come in handy for those not up on adventure jargon , but be careful with the address section — a lot of them are now out of date so be prepared for some lack of response in some cases .
27 Incontrovertibly , therefore , Johnson had embraced Jacobitism to some degree of sympathy at some stage , and perhaps even quite vehemently , and perhaps for quite a long period of his life — but , as with the formation of many political tastes and stances , the dalliance owed as much to what he disliked ( the Hanoverian kings ) as to what he espoused and idealised .
28 At times he would pull me and Willie across the room by the ears , in way of reprimand for some demeanour — but he sure had printing-ink in his veins .
29 Absolute precision is impossible : there are gaps in the series of accounts from some ports , either because the records have been lost or because the customs had been farmed to the collector for a fixed sum , and there are also some irregularities in the accounting periods , although the customs year normally ran from Michaelmas to Michaelmas .
30 By then the Faulkner administration had been out of existence for some months and hostility to it no longer rallied the public .
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