Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The former reflects the effects of contracts formed last period currently in their first period , and the latter reflects the effects of contracts formed two periods ago now in their second period .
2 The Ministry of Defence confirmed last night that the Army had finally lost patience and given him a month 's notice to quit .
3 Most of the savings of course coming next year , a small saving this year .
4 I only had a couple of hours sleep last night . ’
5 One of Gary Speeds first outings I believe .
6 Mr Robert Schrager of Dixons said last night : ‘ We would treat the Kingfisher figures with some scepticism .
7 Mr Robert Schrager of Dixons said last night : ‘ We would treat the Kingfisher figures with some scepticism .
8 Will the Prime Minister now tell us whether he accepts that , in addition to the massive number of homes repossessed last year , a further 80,000 families are to lose their homes in the current year ?
9 The war of words intensified last week when Mr Clarke accused the unions of using patients as ‘ fodder for pay claims ’ .
10 NT entered its second round of beta testing last week but could still miss its targeted June 30 shrinkwrap deadline , and remains officially unpriced .
11 NT entered its second round of beta testing last week but could still miss its targeted June 30 shrinkwrap deadline , and remains officially unpriced .
12 BY crossing the Irish line six times at Twickenham , England in one fell swoop exceeded the total number of ties scored last year when winning the Grand Slam — and it 's time for this columnist to eat humble pie , after criticising England , along with the other Home Unions , for inferior standards of back play to Southern Hemisphere sides .
13 In July last year I was sponsored by a number of organisations to go on a Health Study Tour of Nicaragua to witness first hand their popular , positive health initiatives .
14 Marot won comfortably in 2:30:55 ; Rasmussen finished two minutes later , in 2:32:58 with Olga Appell of Mexico taking third place in a time of 2:33:18 .
15 The General Synod of the Church of England voted last November to allow women priests but the Church Society which opposes the move has won permission for a High Court hearing .
16 The Auditing Practices Board 's The Future Development of Auditing suggested first steps in this direction .
17 Former Tory Cabinet Minister , leading constitutional expert and friend of the Royal family Lord St John of Fawsley said last night the announcement ‘ must mean a change in the role of the Monarchy because they have for this century , and indeed the whole of the last one , been held up as an example of model family rectitude .
18 The Football Association of Ireland said last night that it was unhappy with FIFA 's decision .
19 When the opera and ballet company 's home town of Leningrad reverted last year to St Petersburg , the Kirov hoped to follow suit by returning to its old name .
20 Despite earlier statements , both public and private , by members of the new right-leaning administration in France that they had no intention of making any immediate change in France Telecom 's status , the government told the telephone operator 's board of directors meeting last week to consider spinning off its mobile telecommunications business and opening it up to international investment .
21 Sir Hugh told the BBC Northern Ireland Inside Ulster programme that lives had been saved and damage prevented by the huge haul of Semtex seized last week .
22 The Department of Transport announced last month that low volume production cars will be exempt from the EC Type Approval provisions , and once the appropriate legislation is in place in this country , the way will be clear for Caterham to produce fully built cars .
23 A spokesman for the Department of Transport said last night that the DoT would be making its response to the National Audit Office report today .
24 The Department of Transport confirmed last night that Mr Reid had made no input into BR 's new corporate plan which sets the blueprint and financial structure of the railways for the next three years , which is expected to show further cuts in government support .
25 Once the art of massage becomes second nature , you may begin to discover ‘ energy blocks ’ which usually manifest as cold areas in the body — perhaps the lower back or the abdomen .
26 I usually play with some of the women of East Brighton Golf Club , and my day of fame came last summer — going round in under 120 .
27 Leslie Russell from the Metropolitan Police Forensic science Laboratory told a Royal society of Chemistry meeting last week that gas chromatography could trace toluene in the blood of glue sniffers , by the same method used to detect flammable liquids in fires .
29 E4.93g 1994 Budget : To note that an Executive meeting will be held on Saturday 6th of November to consider next year 's budget and other matters .
30 The Federal Bureau of Investigation said last week that up to 30 cult members inside the compound had expressed interest in leaving if they received assurances about their legal rights .
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