Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the early hours of this morning RUC officers swarmed the streets of Bangor handing out leaflets to motorists and passers-by regarding the bombing .
2 This period saw the beginning of attempts by conferences of representatives of states to draw up treaties or conventions on different aspects of the law of armed conflict , what is referred to as the jus in bello , that is , the rules of how war should be waged if it should break out .
3 The small ones show mythological scenes , but from the temples are several groups of lions pulling down bulls : terror-symbols analogous to the Gorgons and leopards at Corfu .
4 The pediment showed a rather stilted composition : a frontal chariot , probably an epiphany of the god , flanked by kouroi and korai , groups of lions pulling down stags in the corners .
5 In 1982 the Institute of Hydrology carried out trials on the Trannon , and in 1986 was able to come up with a number of constructive lessons to be learned from this sorry story .
6 If no question of change arises then evaluation is deprived of point and becomes instead a public relations exercise service to induce feelings-of-being-consulted in the course consumers , or feelings-of-being-valuable in the course presenters .
7 This field is situated at the edge of the Zechstein salt basin and thin beds of halite extend over part of the structure .
8 For the change of heart came only hours after Mr Fallon met priests in Darlington and discussed the future of church schools with a national delegation of bishops .
9 It is , however , a worthwhile exercise to compare the Shipman 's Tale with these tales of Gower to see where Chaucer may have drawn the line between permissible and even useful scurrility in literature and unconscionable sin .
10 As long ago now as 1974 , Michael Maguire argued a need for a semantic ethnography of police systems and the criminals they pursue ; and there has been a subsequent trickle of attempts to carry out participant observation inside the world of ‘ cops and robbers ’ .
11 The legal rules which govern the formation of contracts do not mesh easily with common business practices and are often not appreciated by businesses .
12 A hydraulic ram was used to open these gates by means of chains passing over pulleys on the lintel of the frame , giving a velocity ration of 3 to 1 .
13 She had made her a cool and sweet-smelling bed of grasses inside a circle of powder to keep away ants and other insects .
14 This degree of modification comes about partly because of the greater degree of digestion in mammalian carnivores compared with the regurgitated remains from avian predators , and partly because of their use of teeth to break up prey before digestion .
15 Through the village , the road into Barbondale rises sharply before contouring for a level mile along the side of Barbon Low Fell , new plantings of conifers permitting only glimpses of Barbon Manor high on the left .
16 By antecedent , in terms of the example , I of course mean only R and C. In virtue of this fact of generality with respect to independent conditionals they are not tied to a particular situation , as are dependent conditionals .
17 This of course opens up possibilities of positive social change .
18 More directly relevant to our case is the fact that , through the acceptance of rules setting up authorities , people can entrust judgment as to what is to be done to another person or institution which will then be bound , in accordance with the dependence thesis , to exercise its best judgment primarily on the basis of the dependent reasons appropriate to the case .
19 Longer-term economic reforms to boost foreign investment included the loosening of environmental and Aboriginal heritage controls in planning procedures for mining projects , the completion of deregulation of the aviation market , and further relaxation of rules to open up banking to foreign competition .
20 Does my hon. Friend agree that the ability of employers to take out injunctions to prevent unofficial strike action and the ability of the courts to sequester the funds of unions that ignore such injunctions can act as a very firm and much-needed last line of defence against industrial anarchy ?
21 Dr Roger Harrison , director of product development for Eli Lilly 's subsidiary Dista Ltd in the UK , told New Scientist that after five years of experience scaling up Lilly 's genetically engineered insulin ‘ we have not perceived any allergic reaction in the chemical processing or packaging units . ’
22 ‘ Grey ’ issues of money occur whenever enterprises that are short of funds to pay their obligations insist that the banks should make them the necessary advances to restore their ‘ liquidity ’ .
23 Lack of funding holds up railway upgrading
24 Young John Lucas , who lived hard by and sat on Professor Ramsey 's head to recite Greek verbs , heard stories from his father of Ramsey taking on atheists in the university in public debate and wiping the floor with them .
25 A frisson of fear scorched down Robyn 's spine and for the first time she recognised the potential danger of her situation .
26 In another part of its robots programme , the Department of Industry puts up cash to help firms to pay consultants who advise them on robot applications .
27 Between 1974 and 1979 , for example , the Department of Industry allocated about £250 million in regional assistance to Merseyside — almost all of which went to green-field locations ( Nabarro , 1980 ) .
28 It will also enable the British shipowner to compete more favourably with his foreign rivals as it is evident that if the English shipowner pays £pound4.15s a month whereas the foreign shipowners for the same class of labour pays only £pound2.10s a month , he must be better able to compete and members must therefore recognise the importance of the International Movement " .
29 Cost : The special price of £55 includes about £35 worth of materials to take away with you .
30 Sons of vipers spat out poison into
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