Example sentences of "be done by [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had never come across an electric cooker before , as in the Netherlands the cooking and heating are done by natural gas .
2 I should complete all that needs to be done by late afternoon and I 'll come back to collect Carrie on my way home . ’
3 Administration will be done by self-appointed business men on boards of management , but the parameters of further education — the fee level , the overall funding and the policy — will be set by central Government .
4 Alternatively this can be done by decimal subdivision .
5 He accused BR of malice by employing contractors on work which could be done by redundant rail employees .
6 Providing that the construction logic is understood , this can be done by preserving work sequences in activities
7 ( 25 ) If someone who has been instructed to construct a building is prepared to give the money to the town for it to do so itself , since the testator wished this to be done by that person himself , his plea will not be heard : so ruled the late emperor Marcus in a rescript .
8 Discussion between the team leader and his surveyor must take place as the monitoring process should not be done by one person in isolation .
9 It argued that government control should be ‘ strategic guidance ’ and should be exercised as far as possible in the same way for all the industries by the use of economic and financial criteria , and that this should be done by one minister and one department .
10 It is an active faith : a belief that something needs to be done and can be done by this man Jesus .
11 Kate Collingwood , writing as tutor-organiser for Essex with a Federation Executive highly committed to voluntary participation , felt that ‘ any of my organising work could be done by voluntary branch members if they had the time .
12 Probably this work should be done by direct order to a local plant contractor .
13 It could not be done by direct supervision because of the inability of management to be present at the face frequently enough .
14 This can be done by direct road , passing through a number of attractive little towns on the way .
15 British Rail is doing all in its power to protect its property from acts of vandalism , but , given the many thousands of miles of infrastructure , there are inevitably limits to what can be done by British Rail alone .
16 Not all environmental improvement , however , requires large expenditure and much can be done by careful design and painstaking attention to the detail of operations .
17 3.11 Any covenant by the Tenant not to do an act or thing shall be deemed to include an obligation [ to use reasonable endeavours ] not to permit or suffer such act or thing to be done by another person [ where the Tenant is aware that such act or thing is being done ]
18 This always had to be done by another agency so that British government became ‘ a rich Byzantine structure ’ of boards , local authorities , commissions and joint committees .
19 Since we offer training as part of our technical support contract , this work can easily be done by any office worker who is used to , say , word processing on a PC .
20 Administration can be done by double-entry book-keeping , but is quicker and cheaper if the core group has access to a computer .
21 Once this is achieved — and this , it is held , can be done by some sort of physicalist theory of mind with strong behaviourist elements — then most of the insoluble problems of early modern philosophy disappear .
22 Washing will be done by municipal machinery ! ’
23 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography was performed with an Olympus TJF duodenoscope and all examinations were done by one investigator ( JRBG ) .
24 They were done by that forger Elmyr de Hory who lived on Ibiza .
25 In medical studies , this is sometimes the only ethical way to proceed ; furthermore , the rarity of most abnormalities would demand a very large initial sample if the study were done by initial matching or by a cause-to-effect argument .
26 I am sure that the hon. Gentleman gives credit to what is being done by civil service departments and executive agencies .
27 Most of the work is being done by 40 specialist working groups representing specialty associations and the relevant college or faculty committees .
28 It will give Belfast one of the best road and rail infrastructure in Europe — and it is all being done by local know-how .
29 I am full of praise for the work that is being done by special branch in the RUC .
30 We should prefer to see it being done in London so long as it is done by male labour , it is no matter where .
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