Example sentences of "be seen by the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 German history is characterised by such external domination , as successive powers on the periphery of Europe ( France , Russia , Turkey , Sweden and even the USA ) are seen by the Germans to have exerted control over its centre , dividing and ruling .
2 Some areas operate an age-related service whereby all medical admissions above a certain age , usually 75 + , are seen by the geriatricians .
3 At interview , W responded to some questions by ‘ nothing to say , ’ including questions seeking his observations on what had been seen by the officers .
4 There was something else now ; something that had n't been immediately apparent to Cardiff , but had been seen by the others straightaway and which was causing them to back away from the wall .
5 They entered for all parts of the competition , and their designs for the Foreign Office and the War Department were both placed seventh on the assessors ' lists , but Burn did not put them so highly , and in the end both designs were rejected by the judges , and their block plan , which had not even been seen by the assessors and presumably never tested against the conditions , was awarded third prize .
6 No-one I met had even been seen by the police .
7 He has been seen by the police surgeon who certified him fit to be detained .
8 As will be seen by the illustrations , Basler and Professional/AMI have come up with very different looking installations .
9 It must have seemed to them that Marian and Allen had perished in the flames and their own immediate concern was to remove themselves from the danger of the roof falling in on their heads and from the certain consequence that so conspicuous a fire in the night would be seen by the outlaws and would sooner or later bring them to the scene .
10 As can be seen by the titles of these groups , emphasis is on shared enjoyment , not a form of ‘ reading homework ’ .
11 The watchfires of one force could be seen by the pickets of the other .
12 Willmott ( 1966 ) chose to use young Australians and New Zealanders in his research into the activities of adolescent boys , on the assumption that they would be seen by the boys as neutral as far as class and social background were concerned .
13 He must on no account be seen by the neighbours .
14 But at least the new examination seems to offer greater scope for teachers to develop programmes of work in which the internal and external assessments can be seen by the pupils to be interrelated in a more purposeful way .
15 Gentiles returned the compliment with interest , as can be seen by the references of Martial , Horace and Juvenal to the Jews .
16 a large conservatory also serves as a street from which the comings and goings can be seen by the patients .
17 Phrases such as striving for the setting up of a ‘ Workers ’ republic' and the establishment of ‘ public ownership ’ were excised , as they were seen by the members of an affiliated teachers ' union , and ultimately by the bishops , to counter church doctrine ( Whyte 1980 : 82–4 ; Keogh 1982 : 7 , 77 n.5 ) .
18 Frankie dashed into the main kitchen and passed the window in a stoop to avoid being seen by the men outside .
19 Hers may be the problems of a lost or disgraced lover , of fears around childbirth or abortion , of whether or not her family will stand by her in the end , perhaps of a situation in which she has queered her own pitch for continuing fun , and above all , possibly , of the way she is seen by the others concerned .
20 The specialist placement agencies have pioneered this work and certainly my own study , and those of research colleagues looking at other agencies , have shown that the model that they have pioneered is seen by the families and the children as appropriate .
21 If a laying cuckoo is seen by the hosts it is vigorously mobbed and chased and , more importantly from the cuckoo 's point of view , its egg is more likely to be ejected .
22 Just how difficult the reconciliation can be is seen by the conflicts created by the draft ( and redrafted ) 1984 circulars on Green Belts and Land for Housing .
23 That we do not treat animals with at least the same respect that we treat such unfortunate human creatures is seen by the liberationists as ‘ speciesism ’ in its purest form based as it is only upon the anatomical difference .
24 The commissioning of such an overtly Anglican church was seen by the authorities as a deliberately provocative gesture , and when Shirley shortly afterwards refused to contribute towards the military defence of the Cromwellian state , he was imprisoned in the Tower of London , where he later died .
25 Thus the crises that faced the autocracy through the alienation of the ‘ masses ’ was seen by the Bolsheviks as ripe time to launch a revolution before the bourgeois had time to develop .
26 It would have been an illegal boycott , but was seen by the strikers as essential for victory .
27 French intervention in Mexico , which was seen by the Americans as an affront to the Monroe Doctrine , coupled with the Emperor 's known sympathy with the Confederacy during the Civil War , had served to reinforce American prejudice against the Empire and all its works .
28 Mr Miller said : ‘ When the defendant was seen by the police he made full admissions .
29 The employer 's intention to retake certain areas of discretion was seen by the workers as the contravention of a rule , the indulgency pattern , which was regarded as fair and legitimate by most people in the plant , including many in supervision and management .
30 The professorship in question was seen by the politicians as nothing more than a means of keeping the Laird of Cringletie happy ; it was , as Gorthie put it , ‘ a very good way to answer the Laird 's own expectations till once a good occasion offer ’ .
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