Example sentences of "be taken [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Please do not phone Mr Pirrie or myself to report faults or to chase progress , as no action will be taken unless the fault has been previously recorded .
2 Lithified coarse sediments frequently release large fragments once cements are weakened in warm dilute hydrochloric acid , but care must be taken that the clasts themselves are not susceptible to attack .
3 It must be taken that the Commissioners honestly believed that the defendant was personally liable , and really intended to take legal proceedings against him , as they had done against Goble .
4 Against that , however , the view may be taken that the word ‘ it ’ refers to a public assembly , and since the gathering will no longer constitute such an assembly if the numbers fall below 20 , it would be ultra vires the powers of the police to attempt to limit the numbers below the requisite numbers .
5 When viscoelastic materials are being deformed in bending care must be taken that the deformations are small , sine if the material is not linearly viscoelastic the stress gradient across the vertical section may not be linear , rendering the Euler-Bernoulli theory invalid .
6 Care needs to be taken that the school does n't breach the regulations imposed by the Education Reform Act .
7 Care should thus be taken that the program itself should not dictate language or notation levels except under teacher control .
8 At its most rampant in the conservative popular press , the view is likely to be taken that the protesters — the violent minority by their acts , the majority by their association — have moved outside the realm of politics and into the area of criminal activity .
9 In soft acid water aquariums , great care must be taken that the substrates and decorative material used are inert and do not contain lime or chalk , which will simply increase pH and hardness .
10 The verbs seem and appear deliberately withhold applicability ( thus permitting but not demanding the inference that it is inappropriate ) , as does the verb act where it can be taken that the property does not apply .
11 The book is not confined to the needs of the conveyancing practitioner , however ; it is thought that the divorce practitioner should also have knowledge of the different types of conveyance which may be ordered by the court or agreed between the parties and the points which should be taken into account at that time , the protective measures that might be taken before the conveyance is concluded and the documentation that may be required in dealing with life policies .
12 If the glider is down wind of the site , the decision to return must be taken before the glider gets to less than an angle of about 20° to the field in light winds , and 30–40° in windy weather .
13 There are a number of significant steps that have to be taken before the IB can even contemplate making that sort of decision .
14 The theme of thwarted conventional ambitions that was essential to both anomie and delinquent subculture theories implied that criminals and delinquents suffered from a ‘ gap ’ between their aspirations and expectations , and the existence of such a gap came to be taken as the measure of the validity of the theories .
15 There would be more photos , but they would be taken as the cruiser pulled away , and she need n't concern herself about those .
16 If it appears to the court that it is impracticable for any reason to serve a document in any manner prescribed by the rules , the court may , upon an affidavit showing grounds , make an order for substituted service ( N 217 ) giving leave for such steps to be taken as the court directs to bring the document to the notice of the person to be served ( Ord 7 , r 8(1) ) .
17 Thirdly , when comparing actual against target performance , most organizations only require action to be taken when the deviation against standards is significant .
18 Care must therefore be taken when the question of removing trees is raised .
19 Great care must be taken when the fish is transferred by net as the spines inevitably tangle .
20 Great care should be taken if the individual is exhausted as every muscle could be extensively sore . ’
21 The EC on Oct. 22 called on Milosevic to use his influence to end ethnic cleansing in Bosnia , for which it held Bosnian Serbs chiefly responsible , and warned that military measures could be taken if the UN flight ban over Bosnia was breached .
22 Its LEA has been a forceful innovator of LMS which has allowed some early decisions to be taken and the results monitored and evaluated .
23 When and where it met , the times it opened and closed , the people who were present , apologies for absence , actions it was agreed should be taken and the names of the individuals who will take responsibility .
24 ‘ ( 1 ) Where the court orders an account to be taken and the account consists in part of costs , the court may direct a taxing officer to tax those costs and the taxing officer shall after taxation of the bill of costs return it , together with his report on it , to the court .
25 The General knew that the town had to be taken and the momentum of the day 's advance kept swift , and so he would lead a rag-taggle charge against the Prussian infantrymen who lined the crude barricade .
26 No action need be taken where the allowance is to remain with the husband and whatever arrangement is chosen will apply for future tax years until the allocation is changed .
27 Care should be taken where the vendor is a member of a group of companies .
28 A similar view may be taken where the parties embark on a criminal act together and the plaintiff is injured as a result of the defendant 's negligence .
29 No decision has been taken but the move could be as early as the summer .
30 Nor had any effective measures been taken after the Fleming Report was submitted to Butler in 1944 .
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