Example sentences of "be given to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During negotiations , Newco should try to avoid any general qualification that the warranties are given to the best of the vendors ' knowledge , as this could be interpreted to the effect that a vendor giving a warranty subject to this qualification has relied on the information given to him by management , and again distances the vendor from the risk .
2 To a background of loud , pumping music prizes are given to the best demonstrators and to the units — groups of demonstrators — who have made the most sales .
3 Will the Minister make sure that such assurances are given to the hard-working community in Hong Kong ?
4 Crimes of Tazir are given to the appropriate authority to determine punishment .
5 At each stage of the Award , a certificate , identity card and badge , are given to the successful junior to testify to his or her achievement .
6 In the summary table the success rates are given to the nearest five per cent .
7 Against this background , Conservatives should say : too many prison sentences are given to the wrong people ( eg alcoholics ) ; prison regimes are too often wrong , with prisoners staying inside in relatively soft conditions for relatively long sentences ; too often violent criminals do not get sent to prison as they should ; for young thugs short spells are advocated in glasshouse-type detention centres with a very tough physical regime ( but good food ) ; otherwise there should be a greater emphasis on fines , representing a more humane and economical approach .
8 The backbone of his campaign was a plea to reject the economic policies of the past 12 years of Republican administrations , which he derisively labelled ‘ trickle-down economics ’ in which tax breaks are given to the wealthy in the hope that the benefits will ‘ trickle down ’ to lower-income groups .
9 It is to be recommended that full reasons are given to the third party solicitor .
10 Favourable treatment has been given to the small shareholder , when allocating oversubscribed issues , in some of the privatisation issues .
11 The results for specific questions are those actually obtained and have not been given to the nearest five per cent .
12 However , last summer I saw German secret high command diaries , charts and maps , which have been given to the Imperial War Museum .
13 Notice must be given also to the court with a certificate that notice has been given to the other parties .
14 The essential point , moreover , is that the ‘ Hooligan ’ style was recognisable to their contemporaries ( and presumably to themselves ) as a distinctive mode of attire , thus helping to form the feeling which was struggling to give itself expression in other areas , that too much freedom and affluence had been given to the working class at the turn of the century .
15 Although there is a reduction in the number of accounts of 44% , after due consideration has been given to the anticipated workload arising from discounts/exemptions/second adult rebates etc the actual proposed staffing reduction is 15% .
16 The commission for a new tomb for the philosopher , to replace the simple stone that marks his grave on the Catalan coast , had been given to the Israeli artist Dani Karavan in 1989 by the Arbeitskreis Selbständiger Kulturinstitut and was to be financed to the tune of DM1 million by the German Foreign Ministry .
17 Sadly for Mr Harford , the £11m would never have been given to the Labour county council by this Government .
18 Too much attention had been given to the short-term goals of profitability and not enough to the long-term effects on the environment of industrial waste , chemical spillage and oil and petrol pollution .
19 Priority has been given to the juristic sources so far , since the concern here is with interpretation , and documents clearly do not attest how they were themselves interpreted .
20 Although undue influence has been given to the alleged psychosexual immaturity of anorexia nervosa patients in the past , issues of sexuality need to be addressed as with other adolescent patients .
21 Similar thought has been given to the next run of ‘ Sir Lamiel ’ scheduled for Friday , March 12th .
22 In recent years , increasing attention has been given to the social costs of economic recession and adjustment measures in developing countries .
23 The old royal library had been given to the British Museum by George II in 1757 .
24 Deputy Central Office agent Peter Smith said thousands of leaflets had been given to the Royal Mail in time to be sent out but were not delivered .
25 It is always possible , therefore , that too much weight has been given to the reported cognitive responses .
26 I can tell him that , if we had been involved in the process during the years in which this Government were involved , proper priority would have been given to the very stipulations that we laid down some time ago about convergence , the accountability of institutions and the need for a change in regional and structural funding — as well as several other considerations , some of which are now contained in article 2 of the treaty .
27 Now these represent two lectures on group processes that 're given to the first year social psychology students at Aston .
28 First , however , consideration must be given to the other major approach to assessment that informs current practice .
29 The prize will be given to the first correct entry ( which should be sent to by ) and we 'll print the answers in the next issue .
30 Each week , the operator will use this diary to produce a report of system down times , by day of the week , on a pre-printed form , which will be given to the New OED Computer Group Manager .
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