Example sentences of "be always [verb] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You 're always taking in new things from different sources , and then hopefully coming up with something new yourself .
2 The Prince and Princess are always kept in close touch with coverage of their activities , and the past few days have been no exception .
3 Names like Dalglish , Gascgoine and Shilton , three jewels in Athletico 's crown , are always mentioned in reverential tones on the terraces or in the Anna Neagle Grill and Burger Bar at the Duck and Forceps .
4 It is as if she has to create an impervious beauty , a mask to conceal the painfully damaged body beneath the clothes , just as her lips are always closed in these photographs to conceal her decayed teeth .
5 Solvent based hard surface cleaners are always supplied in liquid form with industrial packs usually being 5 litres or thereabouts .
6 It is hoped that this ‘ infrared slavery ’ will explain why quarks are always confined in colorless bound states , but so far no one has been able to demonstrate this really convincingly .
7 Areas are always measured in square units .
8 Note : As mentioned earlier , areas are always measured in square units .
9 Members of the public have to depend on the press for information on which to base their opinions ; but if allegedly indecent films are always shown in closed courtrooms the press can not give the public the information which it may want and which is necessary for the formation of public opinion …
10 The evidence from elsewhere in America and Britain is that exhibitors increasingly took the masses for granted and were always investing in better and better cinemas so as to hang on to the more respectable lower middle-class audience .
11 Brandon Thomas 's play reflects the social propriety that meant young ladies were always chaperoned in mixed company even to a lunch party such being in 15 minutes time was n't thought unusual .
12 In my day-dreams and nightmares you were always clothed in those washed-out jeans : I can still see their frayed , ravelled seams with their bleached , raggy threads softened by countless abrasions and grindings , the frazzled button-holes , the worn buttons showing the cheap metal underneath .
13 A unit of Squig Hunters is always deployed in two ranks with all the Cave Squigs in the front rank and all the Night Goblins behind them .
14 Provolone is always made in unusual barrel shapes and tied in cords , which are then used to hang the cheese while it is maturing .
15 For example Jaggers , a very dominating , lawyer is always speaking in that fashion by using ‘ Now ’ or ‘ Well ’ or ‘ Very Well ’ .
16 ‘ What is appropriated and reproduced is here only the herd and not the soil which is always used in temporary commonalty wherever the tribe breaks its wanderings. ’ [ p. 89 . ]
17 If this is always used in all residential transactions as a standard document , then misunderstandings that often characterised transactions in the past should no longer crop up .
18 It is always embedded in some social form , in conventions such as letter writing , charters , catechisms , business styles , academic ‘ texts ’ etc. , and it is always learnt in relation to these uses in specific social conditions .
19 The Queen 's own saloon was always kept in special care at an equable temperature .
20 ‘ She was such a beautiful little baby ; and because things were a bit easier by the time she came along she was always dressed in pretty clothes , not second-hand things and hand-me-downs as we were .
21 ‘ Personal politics ’ was the buzzword : the acknowledgement of the ‘ dark side ’ was always grounded in progressive humanism , the belief that what was twisted could be straightened out , that the shadows could be banished by the spotlight of analysis .
22 Any image , black-and-white or colour , was always worsted in this optical smorgasbord .
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