Example sentences of "be always [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They 're always getting raped on the way to the laundry . ’
2 We 're always getting drilled on TV .
3 Products are always tested to conform to standard specifications ( as printed in the catalogue ) , but if there are specific analytical needs , they will gladly perform custom analyses , ensuring that the product will work for a particular application .
4 If you have any awful problems , write and ask for help , as we are always please to hear from you here a Machine Knitting Monthly .
5 Macaronis occur only in small numbers , and are always found nesting in a colony of the fairly similar but less gaudy rockhopper .
6 Erm , and we , we find although Amnesty does run er door to door collection which we are always encouraged to join in which we never have , which is I think always in June , in June now , it 's good time , it 's a good time of year for it , but that means going round putting envelopes in doors , going back and collecting them , the arguments on the doorstep about Amnesty , er going back again if people are not in and we , we as a , relatively small group covering a very big area we , we have n't felt able to do that , and we actually find that by standing in the street with each person having a tin for one or two hours , we can do quite well that way and er , that 's , that 's .
7 I am not such an optimist as to imagine that we are always going to agree with you about the type of regulation , or its costs , but I do want to emphasise that we are determined always to try to talk through contentious issues with you and to ensure that there is real dialogue . ’
8 After a visit to such a museum I 'm always left pining for a chance to seek out my own sample of the lovely stuff .
9 In the Victor the Germans were always getting slaughtered by plucky chaps with square jaw-lines and purple stubble .
10 These girls were the ones who were always getting put in detention , never did any homework , smoked dope at 11 and started having sex at 14 — shoplifting was just another phase for them to go through . ’
11 But Floy was still sickened ; he remembered how on Renascia they had tried to follow what they had known of the Earth-people 's death rituals and how they had had the large , austere Firehouse with the ornate bronze lamps which were always kept burning in memory of those who had died .
12 This does not mean , however , that the Commissioner is always determined to go to court .
13 This created a conundrum for the label , resolved with the following decision : ‘ You can suffer from Number One-itis , ’ reckons Andy , ‘ which is always trying to get to Number One or go one better than you managed last time .
14 ‘ The old drunk thinks he knows about horses , and is always trying to get to Sir John 's destrier .
15 Here de Candolle 's concept of species being at war with one another , discussed at length by Lyell , must have allowed Darwin to see that the population of any species is always tending to expand into the surrounding territory , if necessary at the expense of the existing inhabitants .
16 Having the conduct of the drafting of the agreement is a considerable advantage because points agreed in negotiation can be reflected in the document in the way in which the lawyers drafting it prefer , and it is the other party who is always having to ask for changes to the text .
17 As always , the Chairman and other members have represented the Young Bar at various overseas events , and it is always striking to note in other countries the extent to which the Young Bar forms a highly influential and powerful part of the Bar organisation .
18 There is always someone somewhere who is going to say — ‘ Why must we have fund raising ? ’ — Unfortunately because of the financial climate today it is always going to have to be a part of our Medau way of life — anyway this ‘ do your own thing ’ method has proved so popular we plan to continued in to 1986 with your help , of course — but — if you have any brilliant ideas for our next venture please send them in to the Office .
19 Neil Pascoe says he 's always wanted to cycle from John 0 Groats to Lands End and then the idea came to run up the three peaks and swim the lakes and try to raise money for charity …
20 He says that he 's always wanted to work as an artist at Slimbridge — it 's a lifetimes dream come true .
21 Short , left-handed and aggressive , he was an opener who hit the ball extremely hard , played every shot in the book with great relish and was always looking to attack from the first ball .
22 I was always planning to sail with you !
23 Neither could I conceal that although I wrote to my parents once a week ( a school rule ) they scarcely ever wrote to me , and failed to send me the necessary supplies of toothpaste , stockings , etc. , so that I was always having to borrow from other girls ( strictly against the rules ) and getting into trouble as a result .
24 Timbuctu may have lost some of its mystique but still attracts more legionnaires than lager-louts and was always going to appeal to the adventure-seekers who answered the call of the organising triumvirate of Jerome Viellard , Oliver du Plessis and Ann-Pascale Suppot-Reveilhac .
25 But poor old Wayne Phillips was always going to suffer for the demise of the local hero , unless he got at least 100 in his first trip to the crease .
26 ‘ Their final clash was always going to end in tragedy .
27 Small boats develop emotions to a fine pitch , and she felt that she would go with him to the end of the world , if his outboard was always going to start like that .
28 But he hated this prison and was always fighting to escape from Jekyll 's mind and body , and take control .
29 Marsh was always expected to return for the World Cup , and Waugh , with this superb innings , made it extremely difficult for the selectors to ignore him too .
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