Example sentences of "be always [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 You 're always looking for a four on a par-5 , but at that stage you 'd take it as long as your main opposition has n't gone away .
2 Take people to objections , take them to where you want them to be and bear in mind you 're always looking for an objection
3 Consequently , they 're always coming in a bit behind the boys because the boys have been playing for a bit longer , and I think it 's very important that if girls are being offered the opportunity that the opportunity is good for them , and that it 's not going to put them off the game of football because they 're always in the position where the boys consider themselves a bit better .
4 We started everything from scratch , which is nice , because people get so stuck in their ways : you walk into a professional studio and things are always done in a certain way .
5 Bans on parades are always seen as a sign of weakness , and as such have frequently given militant Protestants a chance to show , by defying the bans , that they will not be a party to any ‘ sell-out ’ .
6 The characteristic verbal acrobatics of Brooke-Rose 's earlier work are kept to a minimum , and when they are employed they are always motivated in a naturalistic way .
7 These rules may provide that certain business activities are always regulated in a certain way , irrespective of where they take place .
8 These two are always concurrent aspects of the same process , and are always united in a subject 's mode of becoming .
9 This is not the experience of the majority of prescribers , however , and approaches such as psionic medicine and bio-electronic regulatory medicine find that a number of different remedies are always indicated in a chronic case .
10 Nevertheless we are always faced with a contradiction between rates of deposition and the known thickness of rock for a particular period of geological time .
11 ‘ With regard to positioning , swings are always placed in a corner , so children ca n't run in their path — most playground accidents involve swings .
12 This is why union meetings and Labour Party meetings are always conducted in a haze of smoke — or were , until my local party banned it .
13 In the version with dependent parameters , once Bacon has found a form of law relating two inputs while others have particular settings , it will expect that these two are always related by a law of the same form in which only the values of c and k vary .
14 A further point to remember in the presentation of data is that most people can not ‘ take in ’ lists of figures , so ensure that they are always presented in a diagrammatic form to show clearly proportions , relationships and trends .
15 Moreover , disc junkies are said to spend hours happily bending over and going through the layers of CDs , are always hunting for a bargain and collectable item , and seldom believe in paying the full listed price .
16 In quantum theory probabilities are always calculated in a two-step fashion .
17 They may also be interspersed among them or precede them , or follow them ; but they are always integrated into a conversation considered as a complete linguistic interaction ’ ( Abercrombie : 72:55–59 ) .
18 Whether we are talking about Pascal 's wager or Newman 's venture , we are always talking about a commitment made after weighing evidence .
19 Nonetheless , certain things are always required in an adequate understanding of conversion , and it is in ignoring these that we leave openings for later doubts .
20 Debate in trades councils is more wide-ranging , reflecting a diversity of views , that are always found in a more parochial environs of Labour Party , and individual trade union branches .
21 To begin with , people thought that electric charges could be arbitrarily big or small , but Faraday made the crucial step of showing that charged atoms , or ions , are always associated with a fixed amount of charge or some multiple thereof , suggesting atoms of electric charge .
22 You are always supervised by a guide and the coach driver , so no harm can befall you .
23 The solo man and woman are always accompanied by a masked figure known in China as ‘ the Eternal One ’ and in England as ‘ the Messenger of Death ’ .
24 I am the first person to admit that success is not that frequent at Athletico and on those rare occasions when it comes we are always left with a nasty aftertaste to spoil it .
25 It 's one thing to take along another veterinary surgeon and quite another to be always accompanied by a nurse , however attractive .
26 But I 'm always reminded of a large bomber aircraft coming in to land , moving very much more slowly than you 'd expect for something of its size .
27 Differs from Sand Partridge especially in cock 's striking head pattern , white stripe through eye being always flanked by a broad black stripe above and a narrower one below .
28 Married women were always treated as a class apart for insurance purposes and in 1932 they found their health insurance benefits cut because of the high risk they represented , even though no other group with excessive claims ( for example miners ) was singled out for similar treatment .
29 Well I suppose it because , as I told you , those four routes were always treated as a separate entity because they were on , there were possible chances of marrying those routes together to get them to run the most economical way .
30 India were always struggling after a tight opening blast by Allan Donald and Fanie de Villiers and were bowled out for 177 .
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