Example sentences of "be as [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Despite a penchant for shouting ‘ Go ! ’ at every available opportunity , they 're as relevant a reaction to real hard times as the Cypress Hill record the DJ plays after their set .
2 Why , you 're as big a fool , my son — but go on , let's hear to the end .
3 You 're as big a fool as I 've always suspected — ’
4 In east Germany and Prussia , for example , the peasant was not quite so poor as elsewhere , but he was disciplined to the estate by legal devices which seem to have been as powerful a stimulus to rural emigration as poverty .
5 Monday afternoon in the House of Commons had been as great a triumph for him ( although he had said practically nothing ) as it had been a disaster for Churchill .
6 Young Daniel 's death had been as great a tragedy , but had not taken him like this .
7 I am not certain of the date when the Navy finally abandoned the general use of hammocks , but to my mind it must have been as retrogressive a decision as that taken when abandoning the tot of ‘ Nelson 's blood ’ at 12 noon every day !
8 She 's very good to us , her elderly parents , even though I have n't always been as good a father as I should have been .
9 Standing at the corner of Great Tower Street and Seething Lane , in the very shadow of the Tower of London , All Hallows must have been as impressive a building then as it is today : one of the oldest parish churches in the City , it has always had close links with the Tower itself , and was used as a place of burial for many an unfortunate wretch executed on the nearby scaffold .
10 Scattered later evidence suggested that Wealden superstitions died hard ; indeed , it may have been as potent a force in determining local beliefs as organised Christianity at least until this present century .
11 That had been as grievous a thing as seeing the head triumph ; that had caused the centuries of religious persecutions and wars .
12 I think that the initial conditions of the universe are as suitable a subject for scientific study and theory as are the local physical laws .
13 Indeed , tourism has been one of the crucial components in the west 's construction of the east , and a passage from Thomas Cook 's brochure for tours of Egypt and Palestine in 1925 encapsulates the Orientalist attitude : ‘ Native life and manners as seen from the steamer are as quaint a study as can well be imagined .
14 But in the wrong hands they are as lethal a weapon as a gun .
15 These are as comprehensive an update as you are likely to get in the UK .
16 If the latter , is it the case that we are acquainted with the concepts of trumping and revoking through attending to these feelings , and have somehow managed to devise a game with activities which are as perfect an expression of them as , say , Pablo Picasso 's 1937 painting of a Weeping Woman is an expression of grief ?
17 Many old people are as good a set of consumers as anyone else , but the very old and frail are at risk .
18 My father taught me that there is only one thing more boring in life than listening to other people 's dreams and that is listening to stories about their operations ; and I only tell mine now because those I had during the early 1980s are as good an example as any of how modern medicine has helped to prolong life ; without them it is unlikely that I would be sitting here writing this .
19 His final , understated comments on the worthwhile qualities of a career in politics are as good an apologia for a much-derided trade as I have read recently .
20 You are as free a man as I am , we do but agree over the hire of a courier .
21 There are databases which can be bought in from outside ( provided by government , consultancy and other organisations ) and are as important a source for information as that gained from internal databases .
22 To me as a woman they are as depressing an example as the Duchess of Finchley .
23 I 'm as keen a beer hunter as Michael Jackson — only he 's famous and I 'm not , ’ says Rex .
24 I 've known for years that I 'm as good a guest at a dinner party as I am a lousy host .
25 I 'M as big a Trekkie as they come but even I was shocked at the grey hairs and swollen girths of my heroes in Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country ( CIC , PG , out now ) .
26 Obviously getting work is an extremely important goal for any child at school , and it is a goal for society that there should be as low a level of unemployment as is compatible with the advancement of technology and the efficiency of industry and agriculture .
27 ‘ It seems a good idea , ’ said Penny Warlock , looking up to Glenda and wondering if she herself would be as impressive a figure after ten or fifteen years in the teaching profession .
28 But none of these factors is likely to be as potent an influence upon future relationships as the early family experiences absorbed by the young child .
29 We need to be as small a party as possible in order to accommodate in one house , one holiday house we shall rent , all of us and members of our respective families , do you see ? ’
30 If the market remains strong there may not be as sharp a gap at the beginning of April as we first feared because the strong trade will encourage more even selling , ’ added a senior economist , Jane Moore . ‘
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