Example sentences of "be made [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the Ministry of all the Talents his reward was to be made secretary to the Board of Control , 1806–7 .
2 Although great power was vested in the philosophers who were to be the rulers , their personal self-interest was not to be a source of private gain but was to be made subservient to the state .
3 But are n't the rights of the individual being made subservient to the interests of the state ?
4 1992 The extent of the rift between Charles and Diana is made plain to the world on their tour of India as she turns her face away and his attempted kiss turns into nothing but a grimace .
5 In 1920 he was made nuncio to the German Republic , although he did not move to Berlin until 1925 .
6 In Scotland Horne was made Assistant to the Director as he had been ‘ acting Director ’ since 1899 when Howell retired .
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