Example sentences of "be made in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Set squares are made in the same way though a little ingenuity may be required to grip the material .
2 These are made in the same kind of way but for each pattern shape you work on the same set of needles as if you were turning the heel of a sock .
3 Three units are available , all of which are made in the same casing .
4 We can not assume that these interpretations will be made in the same way in all cultures and in all languages , so understanding how interpretation proceeds in the culture of the language we are teaching is crucial if we are to help foreign learners to make their words function in the way that they intend .
5 We can not assume that these interpretations will be made in the same way in all cultures and in all languages , so understanding how interpretation proceeds in the culture of the language we are teaching is crucial if we are to help foreign learners to make their words function in the way that they intend .
6 Application for a special permission is to be made in the same manner as for an occasional licence ( subs .
7 Normally , when replacing a rainwater system , the connection to the drains ( or soakaway ) can be made in the same way as before .
8 Such further offer shall be made in the same manner and limited by a like period as the original offer .
9 Such further offer shall be made in the same manner and limited by a like period as the original offer .
10 Other pixies can be made in the same way as the first , if liked — or perhaps you might like to add some yellow-eyed green caterpillars to sit on top of the toadstool .
11 Many related compounds were made in the same laboratories and were investigated in more or less detail according to the promise they showed .
12 Clement Attlee announced that the British Empire and Commonwealth , being based on Christian principles , was ‘ the exact contrast to the Nazi conception of a world order ’ , which was the expression of the creed of Antichrist , and countless other speeches were made in the same vein .
13 His original mind and interests in music , linguistics and the human voice led him to study the problems of deaf education and to invent " The New Sign Language , " in which every sign was a pantomimic version of the spoken word and in which signs were made in the same order and in the same sequel as the words of normal speech .
14 If you want to make a wooden staircase leading from the patio to the garden , it is made in the same way as an indoor staircase , expect that the timber used is much thicker .
15 A goblet heading ( fig. 4 ) is made in the same way , but use a firm dressmaker 's interfacing rather than curtain buckram , as the base of each tube is randomly pinched in ( as opposed to pleated in ) and held in position with a few hand stitches .
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