Example sentences of "be n't in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I take it you are n't in favour of the idea ? ’
2 " But you are n't in love with me . "
3 She followed the slow gyration of one very large , cream-coloured fish and said , ‘ But you are n't in love with me , which would make it , I 'm afraid , an awkward friendship .
4 I mean I know some of the , some of the more slender women , I wo n't say skinny here , what , are n't in need of a tummy tuck , but well there 's you as a twenty two Scottish women would spend two thousand pounds , what do you think of that ?
5 ‘ We were n't in love at all .
6 It all made sense , the relationship between non-Aristotelian logic and the banality of the American way of life : you had to take a detached view of the culture ; you were n't in love with it and you did n't hate it .
7 You did n't get married to people who were n't in love with you .
8 I was pretty certain you were n't in love with Arnie . ’
9 ‘ But you were n't in love with him ? ’
10 Mind you if she was erm she were n't in love with a poor man , then yeah , but no I do n't think she is .
11 It is n't in addition to the pension you 're getting , you have to be willing to give up part of your own pension in advance .
12 ‘ We like to think that the programme is n't in competition with Barry Norman , but we do want to give him a run for his money . ’
13 Being a slug Steg is n't in possession of legs , in fact , he 's completely legless ( groan — the whole world ) , but he moves around exceptionally well .
14 Unfortunately Bernhard fails to explain exactly which part of this ‘ situation ’ she is in control of — clearly she is n't in control of the production of the magazine , nor its distribution or consumption .
15 We exchanged the broken vase for a similar one from a guest cabin that is n't in use at present and we swapped the screen . ’
16 They may have access to video outside the classroom in their own homes or perhaps there is some arrangement in the language school which allows them to use the video player when it is n't in use in the classroom .
17 He says what might appear to be a bargain in terms of price quite often is n't in terms of quality .
18 She was n't in love with Ryan , but he was cute and they had a good relationship .
19 Lord Campbell said : ‘ I was n't in love with the bloody woman in the first place .
20 The skin was peeling off Finn 's nose and she was n't in love with him any more , so she did n't really care what he did .
21 Bob was n't in love with her .
22 That I was n't in love with Nicola — which was true — and that I 'd give her up . ’
23 You only wanted to test your theory that I was n't in love with my fiancé .
24 The fact that Henry was king does n't mean she was n't in love with him — ’
25 He was n't in love with Janice !
26 ‘ You 've always known I was n't in love with him . ’
27 ‘ No , Nina , I was n't in love with David Markham , ’ said Rachel firmly , then , seeing that Nina was still slightly bemused , she added , ‘ In fact , I think you could go so far as to say I detested him . ’
28 One thing I did learn from loving Paul was that I was n't in love with David .
29 She 'd fallen desperately in love with a man who was n't in love with her , a man who 'd wanted her because she reminded him of a woman he wanted and could n't have .
30 If so , then Robert certainly was n't in love with her .
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