Example sentences of "be it [adv] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 just turn them off , and that 's it Just normal conversations the words that people use in common different areas of the country , with accents and th dialect and one thing and another it 's for the Oxford English Dictionary the next edition .
2 Is that goody goody or is it just good manners ?
3 Is it just ten pounds she 's won ?
4 Is it mostly younger ones that go to that ,
5 thirteen minutes and is it specifically other members
6 Is it ONLY personal callers ?
7 Is it only two weeks since that bleak morning when I had nothing for a future and everything seemed too late , when I dragged myself about the house , alone and miserable and weighed down by self-pity ?
8 But very often I think tabloid journalism is interesting in terms of language because it 's very punchy it 's succinct because i i in some of our terms you might find people into a three minute reader and a thirty minute reader because in attention span and intellectual capacity are quite different but to actually condense something into meaningful short bursts , even if they are politically biased actually requires a certain amount of skill I would suspect the clarity index which I ca n't find is the process that I mentioned the other night where you take erm some people call it the fog index a correct me if I 'm wrong in my figures , but I think it 's a piece of something like two hundred or three hundred words you count the number of suc erm colons and full stops or is it only full stops ?
9 Or why is it that five men , brothers , can all be from the same womb , with the same father too , peas in the same pod ( if you prefer that expression ) yet can each be quite an individualist in all things , from habits to politics ?
10 And is it quite regular hours or do you work all over the time ?
11 Is it really 14 years ago that Wensley Haydon-Baillie recovered that well publicised clutch of eight Spitfires form the Indian sub-continent ?
12 Is it really 40 years since Spencer Tracey played Elizabeth Taylor 's father ?
13 It could not be three days since he had been left in the dark ; was it even three hours ?
14 Was it only five months ago we were all talking of promotion as a certainty ?
15 Because of some delay or other — line workings , Fabia rather thought — her train was late pulling into Mariánské Láznë , and it had gone twelve-thirty before she was ensconced in a taxi and on her way to the hotel which she had left — was it only three days ago ?
16 But erm I think last year we w Was it about three hours they went , last year ?
17 Was it really five years ago ?
18 We toasted the couple with champagne , sampled Jean-Paul 's cake ( not bad , considering how little time he had to make it ) and were allowed to throw confetti over the happy couple in their BBC function room — or was it really Grey Gables ?
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