Example sentences of "be the [adj] [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 PAMELA : Surely I am the wickedest creature that ever breathed .
2 Iraqis have quickly reconciled themselves to military defeat , but the real shock of last year has been the gradual realization that defeat has brought poverty .
3 The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner , but that they reflect a certain underlying order , which may or may not be divinely inspired .
4 A long-term irritant to the police has been the ongoing allegation that some officers have been closely connected with freemasonry .
5 Ever since the post-war beginnings of the atomic dream , it had been the received wisdom that nuclear power was an unquenchable , reliable and , above all , cheap source of electricity .
6 He had seemed certain to become the first black Tory MP , representing Cheltenham — Norman Tebbit had tipped him as the first black cabinet minister and there 'd even been the odd hint that he might one day inhabit No 10 .
7 Meeting Arnold Palmer has been the greatest thing that has happened to me .
8 In order to give the House of Lords a more effective role in the governmental process ( and in order to buttress its position against the threat of abolition ) there is the recognition that it needs to secure increased public support , and in order to secure that there has been the dawning realisation that changes are needed in the composition of the second chamber .
9 ‘ Cricket has been the one sport that has brought people together .
10 There has been a failure to see constitutional theory and political practice as in dynamic interaction each with the other ; there has been a failure to recognise that interpretations of the constitution are always relative to time , place , and our position as observers ; and so there has been the simple view that the constitutional set-up as it is , as it is said to be , and as it is said it should be , have all been as of one .
11 Our radical objector maintains about what we take to have been the causal circumstance that it might riot have been followed by the smell , and moreover that this would not have resulted from the absence of some further condition .
12 One of the most important factors in the creation of jobs during the lifetime of the Government has been the sharp reduction that we have achieved in the number of strikes .
13 ‘ What , ’ they asked , ‘ had been the first sign that the forests were in decline ? ’
14 It had been the first time that he had really seen Sara in tears .
15 The decision was believed to have been the first time that a US court had extended prisoner of war status to a convicted criminal .
16 Chief amongst these had been the inescapable fact that she must get rid of Rose Cottage .
17 He declared that the ANC and its allies wanted " peace and democracy " and that " if the government … responds in the same spirit , our action will have been the best thing that could have happened to the negotiations process " .
18 Education had been the final tie that bound them , and forever parted them from their contemporaries .
19 Second , if the Liberals and Social Democrats had been able to squeeze a few more votes from Labour supporters , then it could well have been the Labour Party that finished up with just a few seats in parliament out of all proportion to votes cast .
20 The division may have been the only way that Chlothild was able to ensure that part of Clovis 's realm passed to her offspring .
21 The road had for so long been the only goal that I 'd given no thought to anything beyond .
22 This seems to have been the only time that the English king led his men to victory : had the negotiations which preceded his return from exile the same year included a stipulation by those who complained about his previous behaviour ( see below ) that henceforth there should be more determination in dealing with the enemy ?
23 I think communications has been the biggest change that I saw , erm er from a system which was called the DX system , which is really a very primitive way of calling people by means of generating electric current over some private wires , to fireman 's houses and on to fire station .
24 ‘ What would have been the latest time that the body could have been put in and carried away ? ’
25 Here it is , he said and pulled out a bottle of foul-looking medicine that could well have been the very stuff that Dr Jekyll used to turn himself into Mr Hyde .
26 One reason for this may have been the conventional wisdom that secularisation had made the subject well nigh irrelevant , another reason may have been that there are few areas in which the methodological problems are as acute as they are in the investigation of people 's beliefs and/or the assessment of the effect that these have upon the rest of society .
27 An unspoken reason for her attempted escape had also been the growing certainty that this attraction was coming to a head .
28 Perhaps the greatest force causing the neglect and hatred of science , has been the mistaken idea that science deals in inexorable and inhuman truths ; in ideas that could , if necessary , be ground out by machines if only enough facts ( gathered by other machines ) were fed in .
29 The great lie of the last two hundred years has been the mistaken idea that realism is a way of telling the truth .
30 Activities are the specific behaviour that leads towards achieving objectives .
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