Example sentences of "be not part [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The immediate sense-experiences with which his method begins are not part of a systematic record , and are very quickly left behind as one digs below their surface .
2 If you are not part of a discussion group you can still represent your parish at the Diocesan Assembly and become involved in local and Diocesan events that develop from there .
3 The following are examples of the three congruence variants : finger is a congruent meronym of hand ; doctor is a hypo-converse of patient , and patient a super-converse of doctor , because , for instance , dentists also have patients ; index is a semi-meronym of book , because there are books without indexes , and indexes which are not part of a book .
4 Unlike civil servants , local authority employees are not part of a single unified service : each council employs its own staff .
5 plasters are not part of a first aid box .
6 But they are a hybrid because , although closely associated with particular groups , they are not part of the web of cross-shareholdings .
7 Subsidiarity betrays certain assumptions about politics which are not part of the British tradition .
8 The waste paper necessary for the industry is bought from warehouses which are not part of the Cartón de Colombia company .
9 These are not part of the formal record ( Regulation 7 ( 2 ) ) .
10 That is not to say that British citizens in the legal sense have no rights , only that they are not part of the express legal concept of citizenship .
11 In El Salvador , Guatemala and Honduras , education is simply not available to substantial portions of the population , particularly the rural poor and those who are not part of the majority Spanish-speaking culture .
12 In China and Southeast Asia , where milk and cheese are not part of the diet , most adults are lactase-deficient , but they can regain the ability to produce lactase if they persist in drinking milk .
13 As permutations of speed restraint measures , lower speed limits and priority changes are not part of the package being applied in new areas , they are not seen as appropriate for existing ones either .
14 It should be noted that , properly speaking , wrappers are quite different from jackets or dust wrappers , which are not part of the binding but simply an extraneous protection .
15 ‘ Plates ’ , that is , whole page illustrations printed separately from the main text , and often on different paper , are not part of the original gathering and are therefore not signed .
16 Hanson has been built up into one of Britain 's leading companies over a period of twenty years based on an acquisition philosophy which involves a reduction in the acquired company 's bureaucracy , devolution of responsibility to local managers , a tight control of capital expenditure and a disposal of some of the peripheral assets which are not part of the company 's ‘ core activities ’ .
17 Many scholars suggest that verses 5b-11a are not part of the original tradition from which this account is taken but are a very early addition by the Church .
18 Verses 10–11 are not part of the original story ; they record a saying used by the early Church to indicate the resurrection .
19 To put this briefly , women who are not part of the tiny professional elite ( doctors , lawyers , executives ) , which is to say , all working-class and most middle-class women , need more education than men in the same position .
20 Agreeing with Sahlins that ‘ Culture is not ordered by the primitive emotions of the hypothalamus ; it is the emotions which are organized by culture ’ ( 1977 : 13 ) , we have presented some different social orders where fighting , competition , and other violent behaviour are not part of the order , or part of the people 's ideas of what a human being is .
21 Of course they are not part of the Chewong wider social universe of humans and superhumans , and hence they , fall outside their moral universe .
22 The feelings are not part of the game .
23 Though these forests are equally important to the orang-utans , they are not part of the reserve .
24 They are not part of the Mobs ( as are Fanatics ) but quite independent .
25 The Kislevites are not part of the Empire but their long standing friendship means that Empire armies often include contingents of the Tzar 's army .
26 The Isle of Man in the Irish Sea and the Channel Islands between Great Britain and France are largely self-governing ; they are not part of the United Kingdom .
27 Feelings are not part of the rational system of action .
28 These images are not part of the text .
29 Another major problem for speech systems is interference from background noise , since it is necessary to remove sounds from the input data that are not part of the speech signal .
30 Other things are not irrelevant in the given sense , since they are required conditions of the effect-but they are not part of the causal circumstance .
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