Example sentences of "be at [adv] five [noun] " in BNC.

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1 , visibility must be at least five kilometres
2 Early in 1991 odour violation notices from the emissions regulatory authority were arriving at the plant at a rate of four a month — and to trigger a notice there has to be at least five complaints from neighbours .
3 Regiments must be at least five models strong unless indicated otherwise in the army list .
4 At the start of the battle there must be at least two Goblins in the unit to carry a prodder fork , and there must be at least five models in total .
5 These units must be at least five models strong unless indicated otherwise .
6 Regiments must be at least five models strong unless indicated otherwise in the army list .
7 It will be at least five years , Earle estimates , before users creep away from their mainframe dependencies , though recent research it has done shows 10% of major mainframe users do want to talk about downsizing their operations .
8 Trials on women suffering from advanced breast cancer start soon , but it 'll be at least five years before scientists know whether gestodene can help treat the disease and 15 before it 's known if it can help prevent it .
9 There were at least five instances of my players being grabbed by the testicles . ’
10 By the end of the year there were at least five methods of conducting business , starting at the centre and moving towards the periphery .
11 There are at least five paintings dealing with episodes in Penelope 's story .
12 Top : The atmosphere in Somalia 's ports is extremely tense ; Bottom : for every western aid worker , there are at least five Somalia aid workers
13 My view is that there are at least five issues of importance in the design of antitrust policies towards co-operative R&D ventures which arise from comparing these two different initiatives .
14 Latest estimates are at least five weeks .
15 There are at least five types of hepatitis caused by different hepatitis viruses .
16 There have also been at least five hospitalisations in the North-west recently , all people who became catatonic after taking what they thought was Ecstasy .
17 Half of the reported difficulties had been at least five years earlier , and only one in three had involved any question of difficulty over getting credit .
18 The mare will look after the foal until he 's at least five weeks old and then he 'll be weaned off in the natural way .
19 He 's at least five years younger than her and he has an ironic smile as elusive as hers is guileless .
20 Considering Doreen was at least five feet nine and big with it I thought this rather excessive .
21 The capital was distinguished from provincial cities and towns on three counts : it was at least five times the size of any other , almost ten times as rich , and possessed a vastly more complex social and occupational structure .
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