Example sentences of "be that [adv] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , it may be that under certain circumstances a more autocratic relationship is appropriate .
2 It may be that under certain circumstances one of the alternative methods of valuation is the most appropriate .
3 What is less well-known is that rather similar effects may happen with a blow on the forehead which does not penetrate .
4 The most important point is that rather flat-lying arrays can be generated by feasible mixing models despite the involvement of a plume endmember with fairly high Nd .
5 The problem is that normally potential purchasers have to incur the expense of undertaking surveys and arranging mortgage finance , without any idea whether they will be able to afford the final selling price .
6 But what is interesting is that even die-hard sexists have had to change their argument in defence of traditional usage .
7 The point being that the more detailed the categorization of the restrictions becomes , the more likely it is that qualitatively different kinds of restrictions will emerge .
8 The hope is that unusually fruitful conferences such as this one , in which a course in the basics of immunology preceded seminars on the latest developments , and in which the participants in most part came from areas badly affected by the disease , will show us the way forward .
9 The result is that more working-class sons can move up while fewer middle-class boys need to move down ; the middle-class boy still has four times the chance of getting a managerial or professional job compared with a manual worker 's son .
10 One concern with any meta-analysis is that statistically non-significant studies are less likely to be submitted for publication and hence that the results of combining published studies is biased towards a positive effect .
11 One is that relatively lengthy questionnaires can be used to increase the quantity or detail of information obtained .
12 What is certain , however , is that currently English teachers are being urged by the majority of voices in their midst to concentrate upon encouragement of their pupils ' creativity .
13 The inference to be drawn from the first part of his letter is that once Roman Catholics are in a voting majority they will automatically vote for a United Ireland .
14 Another way of putting this is that under rational expectations the forecast error , , is independent of all lagged information , in this case lagged prices .
15 But the ‘ truth ’ is not the point at issue ; what matters is that as human beings we necessarily engage in an interpretative process when we encounter others , as they do with us .
16 Another difficulty with the hot-spot model is that unrealistically large increases in heat flow are apparently required to explain the magnitude of uplift recorded in some regions .
17 Remember that the whole idea of " distance " in genetic " space " is that genetically similar biomorphs are near neighbours , genetically different biomorphs are distant neighbours .
18 But when you bear in mind the background points ( catalysis , the interaction with radiation , the notion of turnover ) you see how it is that very small amounts of pollution really could have far reaching effects .
19 One of the difficulties of long-term weather forecasting is that very fine details at one time can govern major patterns at a later time .
20 Another problem with the mouse-tests is that very high doses of a chemical must be administered to predict the effects of low-dose exposure on larger numbers of human beings .
21 Another problem which electric fish have circumvented is that very sensitive receptors are needed to pick up the weak signals of other fish , and such receptors would be swamped by the fish 's own field .
22 Third , the myth persists that private enterprise , unfettered by legal constraints , could fill the void in transport provision , but the risk is that only profitable routes will be maintained .
23 Therefore , Labour 's policy , as I understand it , is that only local councils should be allowed to run schools and that those schools should be inspected only by local government inspectors .
24 An alternative possibility is that electrically active axons release substances such as K + or glutamate that potentiate the mitogenic effect of PDGF or other growth factors .
25 A second and smaller reason for attending to causation is that too dramatic conceptions of it , such as those which connect it with certain images or ideas of power , or fate or plan , or compulsion , or logical connection , distort one 's responses to determinism .
26 What these critics did not see so clearly was that elsewhere customary tenures had so confused conceptions of ownership that a clear , profitable , and workable landlord-tenant relationship was difficult to conceive ; while in many regions customary quit rents gave the landlord little surplus to invest , even had he been inclined so to do .
27 The challenge of the reformers had been one great reality but the showmen had always been aware of the other reality and that was that very large numbers of ordinary people , and that included the rich and the poor and people from all nations , were fascinated by moving pictures .
28 Our main inference was that as insectivorous primates radiated within the forest they took to fruit-eating and became diurnal .
29 The second explanation was that as English Christians and as Protestants they had to fight the inroads of Popery wherever it occurred .
30 An incidental effect was that more subtle forms of propaganda began to appear , from which it was difficult for a jury to infer that the defendant intended to stir up racial hatred .
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