Example sentences of "be that [art] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Two points to bear in mind throughout the discussion are that the same facts can give rise to more than one offence and that the crimes are defined in terms both of the fault element of the accused and the harmful consequences , but the relationship is not perfect .
2 If not , Hick 's position would presumably have to be that the many gods of one tradition were equivalent to the one god of another tradition .
3 It may be that the same forces impelled the Slavs which affected the Asiatic peoples who moved into Europe from the east during the period of folk migrations which accompanied and contributed to the fall of the Roman empire .
4 Grey breath in the air , snowmen on the heath , pub bores droning on about how typical it is that a few inches of snow throws the whole country into chaos when the Swiss handle metres of the stuff without missing a beat .
5 The basic idea is that a few parameters are turned into a smooth curve by a standardised computation .
6 A stronger indication still of the difference between sense-qualifiers and referent-qualifiers is that the former examples will remain odd even when the relevant noun is indicated by the context ( yet there will be no problem with the referent-qualifiers ) : ( 15 ) that stranger is a total one the kid was a mere one ( 16 ) his hut is a rudimentary one the tree felled was a deciduous one Again we may note that the other pair of sense-qualifying adjectives from example ( 1 ) do not sound odd when used with an indefinite head : ( 17 ) a lawful one the distant one but this is not surprising because they are adjectives with more than one meaning ; in one of these they are ordinary referent-qualifiers and hence they may quite freely occur in ( 17 ) with a presumption that the referent-qualifying meaning is the one desired .
7 The distinction between the Use Classes Order and the GDO is that the former lists changes of use which do not constitute development , while the latter lists activities which , though constituting development , do not require ad hoc permission .
8 The other side of the coin is that the same observations can be deduced from alternative theories .
9 In particular it will help to resolve the deep paradox that has already surfaced in this book and will continue to do so : how it is that the same features of individuality can be expressed in such totally disparate forms .
10 The paradox is that the more prejudices are criticized , the more prejudices of liberalism are justified .
11 So , what we say is that the more things are eight until twelve .
12 The basic argument is that the more adolescents are supervised by their parents and , perhaps , their teachers , the less likely they are to become involved with or influenced by delinquent contemporaries and delinquent values .
13 What the anthropologist Jacques Maquet knew was that a few weeks after finishing this sombre painting , Rothko committed suicide .
14 I have , in my capacity as Senior Anatomical Pathology Technician , been called upon to collect and look at bones discovered in various places , i.e. sealed behind walls , found in shallow graves , fields , etc. and so it was that a few years ago I became very interested in some questions of osteology .
15 What I did n't know was that a few months before we started to work together she had written a proposal to the Thai government to start a ‘ machine knitting project ’ in one of her districts .
16 Swindle was too crude , for if the plan worked , no one would lose a penny ; all that would have happened was that a few banks would inadvertently have lent them money for an undefined period .
17 The idea was that the few men in the University who could read the original language of the Edda and the Sagas should group together with those who wished to learn , and read their way through the principal texts .
18 The result , at least in Nikol'skaia volost' , was that the few literates from the old regime were starting to occupy the best bureaucratic jobs and to run parish-pump economics and politics in ways barely supervised from above and in fact quite inimical to the aspirations of the guberniia officials .
19 Bukharin 's point was that the same methods can not be used to carry through these two quite distinct tasks .
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