Example sentences of "be that at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is it safe to do that , knowing one outcome may be that at the end of the process we exclude sexual abuse ?
2 ‘ With this one there was very little injury and as well as that she was quite a big girl and it may very well be that at the end of the day we could say that she did n't resist to the last and if she did n't then of course it 's not rape it 's a different crime , indecent assault . ’
3 no , what I 'm saying is I think that 's something that the B A I E education committee nationally should sit down and have a look at , I mean it may well be that at the end of the day Napier would set a better exam paper than they would er , also I 've suggested to them and again they have n't that Napier validate the course do the marking but with perhaps two B A I E fellows
4 It 's that at the age of 34 , fourteen years after first shambling on stage in downtown Chicago , having criss-crossed the stand-up circuit from coast to coast and guested on very hip chat show from David Letterman to Arsenio Hall , he should be bigger than he is .
5 What Donaldson has taught us , however , is that at the heart of the experimental situation is a child who is actively trying to make his or her own sense of the situation — and in particular , trying to understand , from what the adult says and does , and from how the materials are manipulated , what the adult 's motives and intentions might be .
6 The problem is that at the beginning of each new year , we either ignore the tradition of making resolutions , or we try to do too much at once and fail dismally .
7 The point , of course , is that at the outset the child is not doing what he or she should but has to be started off .
8 The short answer to this submission is that at the outset the Board of Review , in stating the issue for their decision , addressed themselves to the wrong question and in their consideration of the facts failed to apply the principles of law stated by Atkin L.J .
9 Answer guide : The point here is that at the date of the balance sheet the business did not own the asset nor had it any right to its use as all that had happened at that date was an order had been placed which could easily be cancelled .
10 One argument for common investment funds is that at the moment they provide a way of getting round the narrow and wider investment bands that dictate charity investment .
11 One good piece of news — alas not definite , since it is still subject to possible changes — is that at the moment the European legislation process has come up with the idea that the national definitions of ‘ antique ’ for weapons will apply when the European harmonisation takes place .
12 The problem with these is that at the moment they end we say " Thank God that 's over ! " and return to eating " normally " — " normally " being all the rubbish we ate before .
13 What makes things worse is that at the moment a company acquiring another can often choose which method to adopt .
14 What is less known is that at the close of the Southern African conflict , this same general had been discreetly retired , and he had then entered business , dealing in shipments from Southern Africa .
15 All the money I have earned over the years has gone — in some cases I do n't why or where — but the fact is that at the age of 40 , I have no savings .
16 The evidence of a child who was taught by the ‘ Natural Aurilism ’ method is that at the age of 5 she is able to talk and play with normal children at a normal school and although she may not be as far ahead , the results of this method seem astounding .
17 All I can say is that at the time everything fitted together perfectly into so glaringly obvious a pattern that I was amazed I had never seen it before .
18 The third reason is that at the time of apparent consent or refusal the patient may not , for the time being , be a competent adult .
19 The problem here is that at the shoulders ‘ A ’ will be seamed to ‘ B ’ creating an interruption of the pattern at the shoulder .
20 Another , closely related , hypothesis is that at the end of each day we have in our unconscious a sort of ragbag of bits and pieces of experience which our conscious mind has not had the time , opportunity or inclination to process ; once again , the function of the dream is to deal with this material .
21 The other is that at the end of time there will only be the kings of Hearts , Spades , Diamonds , Clubs and England .
22 This does fulfil the essential of making your hero gain some useful fact from each scene you show him or her in , though the danger for the tyro plotter is that at the end of each interview one more suspect will have simply been " written out " .
23 The extraordinary factor in such debates is that at the end of them we get the feeling that there is little that we can actually do to alter the course of events .
24 In fact a more realistic explanation for the laying out of the garden is that at the end of the Napoleonic wars there were alot of unemployed soldiers looking for work .
25 We have come up against some prejudice in the dressage , but the nice thing is that at the end of the test sheets you often see the same comment from the judge — ‘ What a super pony ! ’ . ’
26 What Marslen-Wilson and Tyler propose is that at the onset of a word no reduction of the cohort by context has occurred , and that initial reduction of cohort size depends solely upon sensory input , not context .
27 The exhibition most deliberately linked to Columbus was that at the Musée Barbier-Mueller in Geneva , the catalogue for which is a magnificent book , written by eight authors , half of whose essays were translated into French ( Spanish and Catalan editions are available but not an English translation ) .
28 Only a desperate battle with the intruder prevented her becoming the seventh victim of the molester who was that at the top of the Melbourne police ‘ most wanted ’ list .
29 One indication of that was that at the request of the British , both sides agreed to stop the radio propaganda campaigns they have been waging against each other .
30 Another very important factor was that at the Boat Show the R Y A announced that it was taking responsibility for the national coordination of all activities er for sailors with special needs , that 's blind , deaf , disabled and there are many organizations who are working in this field but the R Y A is the coordinator .
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