Example sentences of "be use in the same " in BNC.

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1 If two fibres are used in the same sleeve , the price comes to 20–25p a metre .
2 Krystom can not be used in the same way as traditional nylon line .
3 The aromatic waters can be used in the same way as commercial products — splashed on after a bath or shower .
4 In the case of orthography it is only in comparatively recent times that spelling has been standardised into ‘ correct ’ forms , it being , in former centuries , very much at the whim of the writer as to how a word was spelt , and it was not unusual for several styles — ‘ king ’ , ‘ kyng ’ , ‘ kynge ’ are examples — to be used in the same document , or even sentence .
5 Their presence makes it difficult for the roof void to be used in the same way as traditional roofs , and there is often a temptation to remove some of them to gain extra space .
6 Gold for Cooking is unique : it can be used in the same quantity in your recipes as butter or margarine but has 25% less fat .
7 unc Now look at this " Modulo " 6 clock , This can be used in the same way .
8 To say of two linguistic expressions that they have the " same meaning " , at best , is to say that under the same sort of conditions , they can be used in the same way , to the same effect .
9 This is not a particularly happy way of phrasing the objection , though , for the question immediately arises what is meant by " can be used in the same way " , " the same sort of conditions " , " the same effect " , etc .
10 This is ‘ Community legislation ’ in the sense in which that expression was taken at the Statute Law Society 's Annual Conference at Cambridge in 1988 , and the phrase will be used in the same sense in this article .
11 Strong tea can be used in the same way for a lovely brown colour .
12 In some cases Christian names were adapted , possibly where father and son had the same Christian name , these then tending to be used in the same way as nicknames .
13 This card can be used in the same way as any other credit card .
14 Water can be heated for steam turbines , and , for increased efficiency , the waste gasses can also be used in the same way .
15 We 'd like to be used in the same way as a training institution , ’ he said .
16 A possible explanation might be that coins were used in the same way as in Italy but by fewer people , namely only those in urban settlements .
17 Working on the same principle as a jigsaw , but with the reciprocating blade in line with the saw body , it 's used in the same position as a hand saw , but held with both hands .
18 The text of the document — a school librarian 's information skills worksheet or a pupil 's dissertation — can be keyed in via the microcomputer keyboard which is used in the same way as a 31typewriter .
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